
Just want to reiterate what MAD’s parody of Rambo III pointed out: The USSR began its withdrawal from Afghanistan two weeks before the film came out. “He’s stopping them from leaving!”

He didn’t fit any of the Dead End Kid stereotypes, either: nice clean-cut guy; honor student destined for engineering school like his father before him; not a drinker or druggie, or if he was, he had secret-agent-level skills at hiding things and compartmentalizing his life. There was just something about a big V8

My brother has never crashed my car. Nor I his.

Oh, for fuck’s sake. I prefer Sanders to any other candidate, but this is not a good look. You honestly can’t see how attacking someone for endorsing a different candidate doesn’t come off as a sense of entitlement? How dare a working class party have a different opinion about the best interests of the working class

Which one tasted like a cruise ship?

If we’ve learned nothing... it’s that...

I was gonna say that would indeed be a hell of an accomplishment, and one that should be shouted to the hills.

Edit: I like my second one better. Ah well.


Amid the swarms of root beer advocates, let me add cream soda, ginger beer, Thai iced tea, apple cider (hot or cold), and hot chocolate.

Never had Dad’s, but IBC’s glass bottles make me think of the satisfaction of cracking open a beer, without the disappointment of a non-alcohol brew.  I say you can’t get better than that for a soft drink.

Add a glug of IPA to your sauce and you might wonder why it suddenly tastes like Pine-Sol.

I’ve totally stolen this line from someone else in the Kinjaverse (sorry don’t recall who!), but the most spectacular play Derek Jeter ever made was forcing a better shortstop to play third base for the entire rest of his career.

What is the Defense Against the Dark Arts position for each major sport?

You guys are russian these through.  It’s better to czech out the language first so you don’t put your foot inuit.

Centrists, 2016: “Look, all of Hillary’s dirt is out of the closet! If we nominate Bernie, they’ll tear him to shreds with all the stuff we don’t know about!”

I’m specifically taking the libertarian position on both drugs and football, for boys and for girls. In this case, “that group” means the unjustifiable “conservative” position - the ones who arrogate to themselves the power to deny girls and women both abortion and football based on a (usually but not always religious)

You being gray alarms me.