
Same for us Europeans. I’m pretty excited since Hulu was never a thing here (Ireland) and we usually get shafted on streaming content. IE Netflix vs FR Netflix is a world of difference.

Seems to have gone now the event’s ended, yes.  At least, I’ve not had it happen since.  :)

Third sentense from the article you are commenting on:

how could blind people complain about a videos tag?! that is like a deaf person complaining that something is too loud. 

Once upon a time, there was a man named Jim Spanfeller, whose one ambition in life was to run a beloved group of websites into the ground by maximizing short-term profitability at the total expense of usability or customer satisfaction. Yadda yadda, no one lived happily ever after. 

I love this man.

Loved God of War, catching glimpses of my wife playing Valhalla and it’s interesting to compare the two.

Sounds about right. Pretty fucked.

Yeah, I could see HR wanting that on file for new hires for whom international travel is part of job duties

Wisconsinite here, that’s a big ol’ yup. My little brother’s middle school had to go to emergency all-virtual learning this week, 3 weeks after going to four days a week in-person. Meanwhile, my high school in the same district is still doing two days a week in-person and three virtual and we still have a ton of

I used to have to do this all the time. With my old cable provider and a slower connection, I had the router and modem across the room, so it was more central to the rest of my house. So I constantly played some games over WiFi, but would then drag my 20-foot ethernet cable across the floor and plug it in if I were

how dare you leave out King of DIY

I just wanted to give you props for your YT list. I would add Tazawa Tanks, Prime Time Aquatics and Aquarium Co-Op to your list. (I know you said “ie” but just in case people were looking for more)

It’s a throwback to PS1 when you had to put the console upside down so it would read game discs. 

This is not the games fault, its the parents fault for not regulating the kids time playing the game.

i’ll take the ventilator next to Kamala Harris 

I’ve been saying this for a long time. Just look at their history. Everything they have ever done has been pro developer above everything else.

I assure you the complaints have been noted and communicated to the appropriate people.

Yeah forcing someone to be “happy” all the time is bound to make them act cold and distant at times, I hated it when my managers were constantly telling me to “smile”, as if there was something wrong with me, i’m not going to fake smile just to make them feel better.  Needless to say I ended up quitting that job for a

Because when some people who found success in their youth by breaking boundaries start to get old, they regress into being bitter misanthropes who exist to spread vitriol. They no longer know how to be creative or clever, so they double down on being offensive, vulgar, aggresively stupid, and cruel. They’ve become