
There may be some cases where that can be explained. There are Canadian citizens who reside in the states, but are still allowed to cross the border. There can also be people attached to diplomatic missions.

Agree. This should be a case study in what NOT to do in terms of user interface. This is the complete opposite of “user friendly”. One quick look at this and my brain freezes from all this content all over the place without any form of definite logic. I literally can’t look at it without my brain telling me “stop, or

I have a Corsair K68 board... I do like how it lights up with certain games. When I played Far Cry 5 it would become the colors of the Flag etc

Imagine being so gross that you actively defend jeff bezos. jesus christ.

Or “fodder” was a subtle subtitle misdirection to slip something in past the censors.

Maybe banthas have ineffective digestive systems. On first pass, they don’t digest all the nutrients available in their food. Coprophagia and rumination are real things in real-world animals, and it’s possible banthas need to do it too, but never evolved the rumen and supporting systems.

I am a life-long American, and I don’t get it at all. The complete lack of ownership by our president isn’t helping anything. Putting public schools (and by extension our young children) over a barrel “...OR ELSE!” is so objectively unacceptable.

Trump does not care about any of it, he just wants to be the most famous, most loved & revered human being in history. That’s why he doesn’t do anything, prepare for anything, or give a shit about anyone. He is mentally incapable of anything as complex as a conspiracy. His plan for anything and everything that comes

This fucking sucks. I went to high school with Grant, and he was one of those people who literally never said or did a single thing that wasn’t kind or thoughtful. When he made it big, doing the weirdly brilliant stuff he loved, I was happy, because it meant the world was working the way it was supposed to: greatly

I feel like any combination of the three is a success for me

Penny Arcade should keep politics out of their video game comics.

You may have misread the article, or you may just be generally misinformed. This is not “How Do You Live,” Miyazaki’s traditionally animated final film that’s going to be completed over the next half a decade. Nor is it even directed by him. As the article says, it’s going to be directed by his son, Goro, who doesn’t

If you want my stance on the change, it’s just more pandering. The problem is that people carry anger in their hearts and minds, and combine it with a lack of understanding for the individual. That’s the very basic definition of what it truly is to be a racist, because people associate their anger with someone of a

you say that as if we live in a world where common sense reigns

Roman contemporaries of these Scandinavians used cube shaped dice. Those descended from originals that were made from sheep knuckle bones. Those bones come in different shapes and sizes depending on which part of the appendage and which animal they’re taken from. It may be that Romans preferred the smaller more square

In ancient Egypt they had modern dice.
Stick-shaped dice are still a thing in Eurasia, there’s a Mongolian game where you throw sticks with color on one side, and you add up the ones ones with the colored side up, in order to move across a board.

What antibiotic is going to kill a virus?

Oh man, that would be nuts. The Isu at the height of their power, their crazy architecture and technology everywhere. Adam and Eve and maybe some other early escapees, working in secret to help free other humans. Maybe they could riff on the Cain & Abel story, and have one of them secretly working with the Isu to

Vikings didn’t exist (as we know them) until at least 800 years after the events shown in Origins. Origins ends it’s story around 30 BC, while the Vikings were at their peak between the 8th and 11th centuries AD. They aren’t getting closer to the Isu, they are getting closer to Altair (the first game took place during

I don’t think that’s really the case.  When I think vikings, I think more of northern Europe in the medieval period.  This would actually be hundreds if not a 1,000+ years after the last two installments.