
Just throwing this out there: If someone used one of those things on my seat, they’d have to fight me to get it back.

Speak for yourself. Soccer guy here...both FIFA and PES (especially) are great titles. Soccer fans are in video game heaven. 

My son is pretty good about weeding out any disgusting black jelly bean infestations, but I’ll keep you handy as a back-up!

Site has been unreadable on mobile for a decade now. Praise Ublock Origin.

This is the thing most people don’t seem to realize. Having to hire somebody is a pain in the ass task for most managers - it’s an additional task on top of their workload, which might be already a little full covering the work of the person they need to hire. I’ve never known a single manager that had a degree in

Blizzcon is going to be a powderkeg for Blizzard. I’m excited to be attending with a Winnie the Pooh hat on

1. Taiwan is awesome!

I traveled by Eva once. It wasn’t great — they made me wear a plug suit and stuck me in a tube full of smelly liquid and parental issues.

Those single use codes literally came into existence to kill the used game market. Gamestop cited it in their financial statement years ago as a barrier to their growth.

Same here, can see plenty of the tropes in various friends (and myself I admit lol) in the past. And now being older and less neurotic I can have a chuckle at it.

Thats because all "journalist" now think that thier opinions gives value and creedance to what they are talking about. News can't be news anymore. I graduated less that 10 years ago with a mass communication degree and even then they tried to teach us our opinions don't mean anything and to just report the news. Make

And you probably watched plenty of episodes. Bunch of hypocrites posting hate on here about a show that was actually enjoyed by a lot of people. So many that the actors made millions per episode and will now make millions in re-runs. Lots of jealousy here about a show that made fun of us, but I can’t recall if there

Mike, I have bad news about the frosting.

“Let me give you some advice. If you want to keep having fun, don’t get any stronger.”

Well, personally I don’t have an issue with it, since I understand it’s all about what makes money anyway. Though, I’d wager a good amount of the competitors would bail once they learn that caffeine is banned in-competition, not even gonna touch the THC ban.


Anakin murders everybody? Not just the men? But also ...the wimmin? And... the chil-jrin!

Yup, except I use my PS4, and on the rare occasion I want to log into Youtube TV I use the Xbox One. :)

If I remember correctly, the rifles aren’t on display. They are in the back and they get them out on requests only. Kinda like tobacco in many provinces.