
Yeah, Fox didn’t want to pull an “Orson Welles” and piss off a bunch of viewers breaking out their Tiki torches for nothing...

Reading comprehension is’t one of the championed skill sets of most people these days. Particularly in the US (to name a developed country with poor education).

Critical existence failure. Author dropped it months ago, busy with like 3 jobs

Everything is Terrifying 

You really can't compare both these guys, its like comparing Apples to Oranges

If nobody else will give this person a star, I will

In the Pit! An excellent headphones game.

Yeah but his Uncle Buck says that his wild days were part of his attempt on, as I quote, “Getting Even with Dad”.

My Girl mentioned that he’s a real Party Monster.

I heard he did it at home alone though

And Maculay Culkin was the producer, I think

Doesn’t work when your office closes at 5 and the package can be delivered all the way to 10PM.

This was a nice way of giving info without spoiling possible surprises. Good job! I wish more contributors would follow your example.

I thought Toad was the only fungi

Stop being logical, let gamerz tell you how the economy works for a studio who’s main release is a non monthly fee MMO from 2012. 

It’s a bit like asking what’s more north than the north pole.

We keep clicking it, they’ll keep slinging it. Writers gotta eat, in a very crowded market, standards be damned. I make sure to click every irrelevant loud noises article to tell people to quit clicking. Don’t know why it’s not working.

Good thing they built that WALL.

i trained to free dive one summer and honestly it starts to become euphoric. I can understand how so many professional free divers die because you get high off CO2 and suddenly chillin at the bottom of the ocean seems like the best idea and then you drift off...

Big deal, I have evolved blubber. While I have to stay clear of Japanese, Inuit, and Norwegian whalers, I can remain comfortable in cold waters indefinitely.