
Thunderbirds looks pretty good. I like that they retained the facial appearance of each character.  And the camera movements.   

The only way I accept ai art as actual art, is when the ai makes it itself, on it’s own accord, because it wants to. And it doesn’t copy/warp other art. It would have to make it’s own original artwork, using it’s vast self consciousness.

I really enjoyed it.  But I lost interest in the Jack the Ripper dlc.  The investigating was way too samey all the time.  There wasn’t enough variety in it to hold my interest. 

I forgot about those layoffs. You’re right about that. Activision is about to undergo some big changes. Hopefully it wont be at the expense of too many staff.

Doesn’t matter. It still exists.

Yeah, but the article implied it’s everywhere.  And it’s not.  

I was fully expecting this to say the new top game is Frosthaven. lol...

Yeah, weird that they didnt say star of Heroes, instead of mentioning the sixth movie of a franchise she hasnt been in yet.

It’s hilarious that people are now paying for exposure.
Guys, you’re going in the wrong direction!

People saying we never got a Halflife 3 haven’t played Alyx yet.

It’s the equivalent of Activision deciding to sell off all it’s IPs and Microsoft was the one that offered first.  Except that instead of people losing their jobs, they could keep going as is, with whatever restructuring Microsoft sees fit to get the place more respectable.  

I’d much prefer Nintendo games being ported over to PC and xbox.  If microsoft and Nintendo really want to put the pressure on Sony, they’d have Mario on the Microsoft store.  

Ah, so this is that singularity that they’ve been talking about. 

You cant own the rights to an idea of a mode for the game.   This should get thrown out immediately and he should owe back restitution for the damages done. 

COD’s community has been like this since for as long as it’s had mp as an option. I can’t remember not hearing shit talk in that game. It definitely pulls in a very specific kind of loud people for sure. That said, I play Rocket League, and they’re in there too. They just cant use voice chat anymore.

It comes down to financial ability. Most people in these jobs can’t afford to live in the big city they work in, and the medium cities just outside are going up in price too, so they keep moving further away. Add in that many people were hired during the pandemic as WFH employees, so there was no need to commute at

I’ve been working from home full time for almost 7 years now. Before that i had to work in office half the time, for a few years. Before that was in office all the time. I can assure you that my ability to get my work done on time, and to the same standard has never changed. In fact, I get stuff done early more than

Hew probably shouldn’t have removed all the bot accounts.  No wonder he’s not getting as much attention.  All the bots that followed him are gone!

Looks up the term Sneaker Head. And you’ll see that there’s a market for this movie.

People in comments above you have already confirmed that he is forcibly unblocking himself too.  One guy said he’s blocked him 6 times already.