
Have you not read DC comics before? It’s always half-baked resets that carry some stuff over, and then you dont think about it, so they try to force explanation or just throw something shiny at the reader.

I havent tested them out in the dryer. But, I mean, regular money would disintegrate and melt together in the wash anyways. So there’s no real difference in washing destruction, other than paper is destroyed in the wash, and canadian plastic money is destroyed in the dryer.

Ours can be sanitized if we should want to

Canadian here, laughing at your paper money, while I sit here with all my magical rainbow plastic money!

She was great as the Borg Queen, and was the highlight of Marvel’s Runaways.  

People will immediately assume the worst, no matter what. In these kind of cases, I much prefer to have no opinion on the matter until the courts decide.

As an animator, I would have looked it up.   So you are incorrect in comparing art to building a house. 

Lol... 20 years on the internet is equivalent to me waking up tomorrow and then playing some D&D.

Only free in the US. Or at least, definitely not in Canada.

Looks like he got quiet after August. He declared that he wasn’t adding anything more to the Steam version, and when looking at other venues, which he was also banned on, he’s gonna start self publishing.

These are all awful.

If only we used this same method to reduce the cost of groceries and other bills.  Refuse to buy specific things, to force the prices down.  The internet should have a site by now where it states what products are being boycotted for which week, so that it can be planned accordingly.  

He was referring to the Uncharted Movie.   This guy wants a credit in the LOU show, but had nothing to say about the Uncharted movie. 

He was the director for the original game.  He wasn’t the creator of the game.  And he had zero input on the show.  So I don’t understand why he would need to be credited for the show.  

I see it more like how whenever Europe adds in some random law to the internet and then the whole internet changes it’s ways to accommodate them.  If a trucking company can’t do business in California anymore, it’s going to upgrade all it’s trucks asap.  

I usually just wait for them to offer me a week or month for free, take it, and download/unlock all the video game stuff.  

wait, so this game has live events?  Isnt it a fully single player game?   I find that whenever Assassins Creed did these things, it was a bit annoying too. 

I’m an animator, and so far, it doesn’t worry me much at all yet. Heck, even mo-cap for CGI animation isn’t an end all for animators. There are so many flaws in an ai, or mocap doing the work, that you need a person to clean it up, and sometimes even re-do the work.  Both have their limits.   In mocap, you can do half

I didnt create a twitter account for 0 money.  

So the movie is ignored by the left wing because of Carano, and hated by the right wing because the movie targeted the left wing audience. wow...

Battle Cats is pretty fun. Havent spent a dime, nor watched any ads.