
man, what a bunch of children.  

I’m guessing they’re silent because they can’t figure out how to find the bots.   Should be easy enough though.  Just setup a script that watches for accounts that are boosting.  Even if they aren’t bots, that shit needs to stop anyways.  

I stopped icon chasing around Assassins Creed 2 or 3.   Made the games soooo much better.    I missed out on so many side quests in Valhalla because there’s like one every 2 minutes walk away from you.  I powered through the story instead and it was much more enjoyable.  

Well that’s one way to cancel a tv series.  

The simply grew too fast, and couldnt keep up with the momentum. Most of these bigger studios would do much better if they shrunk down their project loads, and focused.  

First time on the internet?

Thing is, youtube can do whatever they want. It’s their website. Content creators aren’t in some kind of Union that protects them against policy changes on a website they’re using. They aren’t technically employees of Youtube, so they have no workers rights as far as using the website is concerned.  Odds are, Youtube

Did they win that lawsuit? I can’t understand how they can claim the emotional state of a character under a separate copyright.

I have to agree. This has nothing to do with Paul, and everything to do with the third shitty owners and the bad rehoming by the second owner.

Watching the video.... I’d say ALOT of those drivers involved in the accident could have stopped well before they did.  Like the reaction times were so bad that at least one of them was distracted driving.  

It happened today, so Tesla will likely make a statement about it by tomorrow once they check the computer in the car to see if he was telling the truth.  Odds are, if he is telling the truth though, they won’t make a statement and hope the news gets washed away like most news does.  

Ah, I miss read then.  

For cocoon. So like... You post this article about all these Indie games we shouldn’t miss. And then you spoil the ending to Cocoon, I guess, which defeats the purpose in getting us interested in playing it. You even apologized for doing it. So you know you shouldn’t have.

Sony’s car looks like a PS1 mixed with a 90's Nissan Ultima.

Biggest issue i always had with Halo, was how floaty everything felt.

Or Goosebumps

They’re just jumping on the band wagon.  It’s like how when we were kids, and everybody collected Marbles.  You just HAD to have marbles too.   So yeah.  same thing.  

But then the story would have adjusted to, If jack had saved her, then they would have overshot the iceberg. 

The magic of the over spending collector.   When I was younger, I learned to break that mentality.  I go by the “if I find it in stores, then I’ll get it” Policy.  Followed by (when found) the “Do I really need this?  Can I justify the cost?” Mentality.  My wife is usually the deciding factor at that point. 

Is that a boxing game where you collect NFTs of chess pieces to boost your character in interesting ways, but also lets you sell those upgrades for real money? Because if it is... I’m in for 10K.