
I mean, the modding community will just put an airhorn in spider-mans hand that maks the noise whenever he thwips. 

I mean, you can go there for a drink or pastry.  You dont need to buy a burger and fries with this.

the update says that they’ve known about it since last year. Nintendo gave them a ton of extra time to sort it out with them. I feel like they may have refused to give Nintendo any royalties, or maybe the rules laid out weren’t to their liking.

Yeah, just reading the updates. They apparently knew they’d be shutdown since last year because they were unlicensed with Nintendo, but Nintendo had already given them one year to sort things out with them. That year is up. They wanted to keep running it unlicensed.  I’m guessing that they couldn’t reach an agreement

Nintendo once again showing that they have no idea how their community actually functions.

shed be alive today, but she wouldnt know who anybody around her was. This is a very grey area kind of situation to me. If i get Alzheimer’s, and theres a treatement that could kill me, I’d probably take the risk. You’re dead as a person if you let it take your mind.

He’s offering his services for free, and asking others to join him, in helping Elon Musk, the richest person in the world, fix a website that he himself broke by firing paid staff that could have done everything he asked. There’s no logic to this entire thing.

I have like 3 hours a night to play games. Game Pass is a waste of money to the many of the 30+ year olds, and if I recall, we’re the majority in the community.

Uh. Steam Sale is on right now. Which I guess is their Black Friday event. It’s all you really need. That, and the weekly free games from Epic every Thursday (which is today.  Looks like Star Wars Squardons is free this week).

You think a few weeks? That long?

When they were knocking on his door, did they use the Sonic Drowning music?  Because I would have jailed him for the the underwater segments in Sonic. 

I mean, adding spinach,and their new Green Goddess sauce is what keeps me going. I never buy the flat chicken because I've known about the fake chicken side of it since 2005 when I worked there.   The other chicken is real though. 

So we aren’t allowed to click off the page when a video is playing?   If we do, the video pauses.  clap clap. 

Wait.  They being sued because they acted in commercials for the company?  How exactly does that make a lick of sense?

This doesnt devalue the original cards though. It’s a re-print. Not more of the original card. There’s a date on them and everything.

The grogu and Dust Bunnies short has been up on Disney+ since just before this article was posted.  

Why would he waste so much money on a VR chat room? Like, I only know two people that have VR. I want VR but it’s too expensive with todays current economy. Groceries or VR. hmm.. (though groceries are gonna start being more expensive than VR at this rate).
Alot of billionaires making alot of dumb changes to what

An IT guy still working there had an anonymous interview the other day, saying that the failures started within a couple days of the first firings.  And it would only get worse until one of the key pieces of software failed.  

musk is anti mask? que’ll surprise.

Get a better video player. This one never loads properly.