
A remake of Pinocchio is a good idea. There’s a few things in the original that just don’t work anymore.

I mean, Alfred was in WW2 originally, right? And then they switched him out to Vietnam probably. I think he was Mi6 at one point.
Alfred missions would be amazing.

The cgi verison of him looks more lifelike than the real thing!

colombine kids? so is Pitt a right wing conspiracy nut?

Don’t forget that by year two, they update the phone just enough so that it still works, but just barely, so you feel like you need to buy another phone.  

They’re definitely targeting a very specific audience with these apps.
I can’t say I’d even glance at any of these.

I never said it was just as bad.  It’s obviously not.  I was simply stating that the comment that we don’t censor flags, simply isn’t true, and gives them a platform to fight back.  

lol. I’m just asking a question. I’m 100% pro LGBT. I find the creators ban was justified. But to ban users for downloading it? Like I said, if they wanted to use it as a starting point to make other flag mods... 

Was it the first flag related mod in the game though?  Some people might download it so that they can copy the work to make other flag mods.  

Most of the comments on here going against the rest, are pointing at the hypocrisy of your statement specifically. Because we left leaners do in fact censor flags. The blue line flag. Nazi flag. Snake boot flag. We attack their existence constantly. And then we get mad when somebody on their side wants to do the same.

See, when I think Saints Row, I think of the last few games, not the original two. This game looks too much like the original two for it to stand out. It’s just GTA if it’s like this.

A bit disappointed.

There’s usually a competition day.  On that day is when these kinds of cosplays come out.  I noticed they spend alot of the time in the foyers taking breaks.  Or they go in to shop in shifts, with friends protecting their costumes while they shop.  

Looks like Google has removed all the fake reviews.  

Here’s the thing about Microsoft.  I have a PC.  Xbox offers many of their games through both pc and xbox, and even lets you cross platform your purchases.  So of course xbox’s will sell less.  If i recall, the main profit that these companies make, is through game purchase, and currently through their Game Passes. 

Bonkers is right.

Oh no.  It’s very much processed.

Looking through this one, there was zero need to even have images.  Just an article describing what was in the document would have sufficed, and a link to the original document.   

I associate every type of game you listed as a Boardgame.  I know there’s no board in many of them, but I use BG as a generic term for any tabletop gaming.  

I remember a few years back, an article about another studio that had copyrighted art without realizing, because one of their artists did it.

When I was in animation school, one of the students flat out copied the designs for their group project, from a how to draw book. I let her group mate know, and they re-did all

I saw this on reddit earlier. Apparently they did it earlier today too with another design. My guess is that they have one designer in their ranks that is plagiarizing, and nobody has the forethought to run Google Lens or comparable on the design to see if it’s copying anything.