
As an french speaking Ontarian who lived in Quebec.  Everything you said about being treated poorly?  Yeah, you guys treat english speakers like garbage more than not.  What are you guys gonna do to Montreal with this law?  It’s entire structure is segregated into different cultures, and I guarantee a crap ton of them

Yep. I speak french, from ontario.  I lived there for a few months.  I even got a job.  Was treated like a child the entire time because I didnt speak french “perfectly” (quebec french is messy).  Only time i felt welcome was when I was in a neighborhood where French wasn’t the dominant language.  Like in china town,

Montreal is gonna become massive chunks of ghost town.

But if you play the game just for the story line, then it’ll run you zero dollars. You’ll get more than enough loot from just playing.  Just gotta break your brain away from trying to stat hunt.  

But he isn’t. He’s talked about it.

So there are actual light bricks for lego.  So what I propose next, is that they build a monitor out of those bricks, and play doom on that.   

Really? I think he definitely looks like he’d live in his parents basement playing WoW all day.

I may not agree with some of his decisions in real life, but I do enjoy Chris Pratt movies. And obviously many others feel the same way, since he’s still landing roles.

IS it aggressive?  I dont think I’ve even seen the premium store in the game yet.  

I’d just like to know why the game works fine on my Pixel 5, but stutters unplayably on my PC.

It reminds me of Dashkin.  And yes, this looks like a Sonic game that’s been modded into something else, instead of a game with a Sonic mod like the current Frontiers looks like.  

They’re electric so there’s no fuel to catch fire. /s

Capacity? You have big loop, 4 trains.

Toronto TTC: 15 trains per hour with 525 passengers per train is 7,875 passengers per hour

as opposed to a bunch of Tesla cars that can only hold a maximum five people per vehicle.  And require space between each of them.  And can only safely go 35 mph in those tight tunnels.  I’d

Looks alot like Earth Defense Force, but with dinosaurs.  

If they took Sonic Adventures, and then just made all the levels into one big seamless map, then I’d be all for this. As it stands, I still haven’t seen any of the mobs that I assume are in this game? Where’s Eggman? Because if none of what makes sonic is in this game except the hedgehog and some rails and loops, then

Have you played Duke Nukem before? A good chunk of it’s personality would be considered very taboo in today’s hollywood.
And they’ll take some of the fun stuff, and overdo or exaggerate it so that it becomes ridiculed instead of it looking badass.
I’m just saying that it’s not a good fit for today’s hollywood. Nothing

Biggest problem was showing everybody the game before it’s finished, or fleshed out enough. We need to see combat. We need to see story. Action. EGGMAN.

Like I said before, this game looks like a fan modded Sonic into a completely different game.  

I have to say, this one seems like too much imo. Words can have two meanings. Spastic, isn’t the same thing as spaz, imo.  

How is I Spit on Your Grave not in this list?