
Age. Many many people that started on Dark Souls were teenagers, or college. Now they have a family, and real world life to deal with. So a pause feature suddenly because a necessity.

The fact that it’s being requested so much, should be seen by the devs as something they should patch into the game.  If the game can

Elden Ring is a Multiplayer game?    Last I checked, it’s single player with an online replay feature to see what other players did to get through an area. That’s not multiplayer.  All games that can, SHOULD have a pause button.

Mage also has the pendulum hips.  And her starting outfit is a bright red mini dress, with heels. She stands out like a sore thumb among all the peasants, and priests.  

He was also Seven of Nine’s dad in Star Trek Voyager.

Yeah.  But electric cars are expensive, so the people affected are likely upper classish.  Most of the sanctions and interruptions are entirely to piss off the people with money in Russia.  They’re the ones that can affect change right now.  

It is blowing up in his face. Which is why he started to ready his Nuclear arms division. And that is scary. If he decides to use the nukes we have to hope that the people in the room with him refuse, and mostly likely he’ll need to be taken out. It sounds like the rich big wigs that Putin is surrounded by are getting

The bot bots, are an actual toy line, and they have lots of random appliances and objects.

Yeah, i’m not personally phased by it. I know my friend wont even look at the thumbnail of a movie trailer.

Yeah, i’m not personally phased by it.  I know my friend wont even look at the thumbnail of a movie trailer.

Amazingly enough, if there’s an article on website that you don’t have any interest in, you can scroll past it. You aren’t obligated to click on the link. I know, right? Who would have thought.

You’re tearing me apart Hathaway!”  -Leto.

problem is that they’re showing a screen of it, plus the title.  Some people prefer zero spoilers going in.  

Yeah, that Alexa one was bullshit.   I read every night to me kid.  1-3 books depending when he gets to his bed.  I’ll admit that sometimes I just don’t want to read THAT story again, but I’m not gonna turn on a computer to read for me.  

no women?    Justin Beiber comes to mind.  

Musk wrote a tweet the other day saying that Hitler was a person person than Justin Trudeau. He’s a far right extremist at this point, and as a Canadian, he deserves none of my money or attention anymore.

I mean, I STILL dont get how he is allowed to have that Auto Pilot bs in a Tesla when it can’t reasonably drive

do you really want Elon to be the first human on mars though? Like, 4th.  Maybe 7th might be forgettable enough.

I mean, star wars does it, so why not Master Chief?

Assassins Creed has very strong world building, and lore to hold it up. Everybody wants to know how the ISU will fuck up humanity this time!

Farcry, is becoming uninspired. They should return to the original Farcry and work from that. It threw it’s world building out the window.

Anno, i love city builders, but for

Couldn’t you just print the broken part before it breaks, so you always have a replacement on hand?

Couldn’t you just print the broken part before it breaks, so you always have a replacement on hand?

i’m 5'11". It’s a dick thing to say. But I don’t think she should have been fired over it.  Cancel culture is getting way out of hand.