
Man, the games in this list. A few weird, badly designed story games in there (sorry, i just don’t like the student art look). A very different breed of gamer has emerged.

It’s considered a racial word, is it not? You said it yourself: “to call out individuals engaged in white supremacy and systemic oppression of other races.” If you called me a cracker, with this description in mind, I’d call that pretty racist, as you’re implying something about me based off the color of my skin, and

I already invested into 22Cans when I bought Godus. Still waiting for that game to be finished. Why would I trust any amount of anything that comes out of that company ever again? Also, adding more crypto currencies into the world? This is worse that Streaming services now.  In a few years, people will start going

I guess they really wanted bots in their games.   That’s the only way this plays out.  Watch exactly 300 consecutive hours of playtime on accounts.  Not once do they step away from the machine.   

dont crank the music to 11 and you can hear your surroundings just fine.

Ah, man.  I must have missed that bit of conversation.   My bad.  

I invested in Funko Pops and NFTs.  I’m rolling in plastic and jpgs!

Uh. Did you not watch the movie? Data sacrafices himself. Picard is talking to B4, who eventually shows he’s regaining some of Data’s memories.

Yeah, I have to agree.  I’d rather they took all the worlds from Sonic 1 and 2, and put them into one open world.   It would be fantastical. 

Data isn’t dead right after the TNG content.  B4 is becoming Data.  So at minimum, he could be in it, still re-becoming Data.  

I havent watched it yet. This is disapointing all the same.

Two heroes, maybe it’ll be co-op?

Well it looks like it’ll be a full on action movie. So that’s good. I thought the first one was pretty decent. This looks like it might be a step up, since we got the origin crap out of the way already.  

But when you move to a different company, you might still use the same go to variables that you are used to.  You might even use lines of code that you default to when writing certain things.   You aren’t stealing code.  You’re using your own knowledgebase wherever you go.  

They also mentioned that former employees work there, so they might just use that syntax themselves too. Definitely needs investigating further, at least.

And do those give that player an advantage over others? I’d say not really. In single player, who cares? They’re rushing through the game, and paying to do it. That’s their choice. For multiplayer, they may be levelling up, but their skills aren’t getting any better. And it’s not giving them an advantage if the

It leans on comedy with Doug. But also shows his kind spirit shining through, throughout.

Honestly though, like 100% of the content that Ubisoft charges extra for, is 100% optional, and almost always cosmetic. They aren’t road blocking you with content. They’re taking advantage of whales and the occasional one off purchaser out there. Why wouldn’t they? They’re a business. They are expected to turn a

Dude, this isn’t the future. It’s just the new Beanie Babies craze. It’s worthless. They’re digital assets. They have no physical value, and when you’re done playing that game in 3-6 months to play something else, you’ll have forgotten it even existed.

Dude, this isn’t the future.  It’s just the new Beanie Babies craze.  It’s worthless.    They’re digital assets.  They have no physical value, and when you’re done playing that game in 3-6 months to play something else, you’ll have forgotten it even existed.