
It took 10 years for people to speak in Emoji and understand what was being written.
According to the creators of the 100: Everyone in Mount Weather only spoke English, so creating this new language, Trigedasleng, ensured that the Mountain Men would not be able to understand the Grounders’ battle plans

They probably put Pineapple on their Pizza.

um. Why? Banned from play when mp or competition is as far as it needs to go. There’s no issues with cheating at a game if you’re playing solo, and if you’re showing off to others, that they’re aware you’re cheating. Once the game is yours, you have every right to do whatever you want with the game.

Thank you much for the info.   I know there’s alot of drama behind this, and it’s crazy that there is at all.   AND that it’s so entertaining to read about.  

So how are they going to prove anything? They’ll have videos sure. But Billy can show his arcade cabinets with no mods, even if they had them during his record.

I’m still amazed at how entertaining this entire story has been, ever since watching the documentary years ago.  

In Canada, car prices are jacked up because of the pandemic. Apparently there’s a shortage of cars, and Canada isn’t anywhere near considered a priority, so we aren’t getting much of anything.  Used cars, as a result, are super pricey.  Which sucks since my car has started it final decent (it’s a 2010 Yaris with

Onward and Luca are both targeting a specific type of person, I think. Mainly, in Onward it was dealing with the death of a parent. And in Luca, it was being an orphan, and finally finding a family of your own. If you didnt deal with those things as a kid, it might be harder to get the underlying message.

That said,

Honestly, if you guys want a solid Marvel game, or DC for that matter, just get the Lego games.  They have a tone of content in them.  

Why is night not spelt Nite?   English is a wild ride man. 

Head over to Guild Wars 2 aswell. It’s a massive game. Free to play now. The main world is PvE, and there’s an emphasis on cooperation. PvP is comprised of two separate areas. One is a battle to the death kind of thing. The other is World vs World, which pits servers against each other (the servers are no longer

I agree.  They didn’t bother to make it their own.   And alot of the move sets are super boring, and not really taking advantage of the characters.

The thing I’m seeing, when I watch clips, is that it’s trying too hard to be Smash, and not it’s own thing. And so, you have ridiculously boring looking fight moves for characters that should have some of the craziest, zaniest move sets in a fighting game. So far, I’ve seen Spongebob, Patrick, and Toph. I could barely

In this case though, the weight of it still doesn’t do it justice.  

In this case though, the weight of it still doesn’t do it justice.  

I’ve been playing it since the start of the Pandemic, by myself. I started with two characters. Added a third, and now I run a full team of four, on my own. The game hasn’t left my gaming table the entire pandemic. We play other games on the dinner table.
I have the Broken Token for easy storage, but I have yet to

I’ve been playing it since the start of the Pandemic, by myself. I started with two characters. Added a third, and

I’m pretty sure nobody at Kotaku is using slideshows.   And no, it wouldn’t be perfect.  No way i’m re-loading the page 50 times.  

I have Territory Idle upon my computer almost all the time while working.   It’s just there to break up work a bit so I’m not feeling totally locked in.  

Shrink the browser window so that it’s smaller, and the slideshow is replaced with scrolling instead.  It’s how you’d see the site if you were on mobile.  

I feel like they should had emphasized that Ben was becoming obsessed with his grandfather, BECAUSE Luke and Leia refused to talk about him.   And so he did what every kid does, and learns on their own, usually the wrong way, resulting in his obsession becoming worship.  

So don’t ride a bike in Waller County.  Got it.  

I’ve been playing it casually.  I havent felt gated yet.   Well, other than inventory space.  Save your premium gems that you earn for free, to expand inventory and maybe when you hit the 1800-2000 gems needed, buy a 10 pack of costumes.    Other wise, I think Marvel Heroes was much better than this.   Shame that was