
And here I am still fighting Ultrons and King Pin.  

Wait. He’s 16, and driving by himself? Are the laws different there, than here in Ontario? 16 has to have a legal 21+ driver in the passenger seat at all times, that is clear headed.  

Dont forget that the vaccine is apperently deadly, on purpose. So it’s killing off all the complacent people that would listen and behave, while leaving all those that refuse to cooperate alive, so that the government (which one? All of them, they always work so well together after all) can.... enslave them? Because

And they’re almost always connected to a Dairy Queen, so how can you be mad at them?

Why? I get that there are some major problems with Blizzard. But people still worked on the game that had nothing to do with those problems.  Cancel culture can be far more damaging, than dealing with the actual problem, and then making sure it’s prevented.   Wiping out a company, laying off hundreds, or thousands, is

No star wars or marvel content?   There’s What If, a lego star wars movie, and Black Widow.   

That’s racist.

Tried the game first time last night. Got all the rewards. I don’t even remember pre-registering. I guess I did.
Playing with Charmander though instead.

Okay. Because of Rocket League, I decided to watch his music video for Imagine (it’s one of the player anthems you can use, which I do).
The first half, I feel like he’s in love with his room. But at the end, it’s very clear that he really loves that jacket.

They tried to be Frazier, but what they got was Joey.  

Seriously. If we destroyed people’s lives over shit they said as teenagers, or as kids, then everybody would be cancelled today. Like, there were a bunch of kids in elementary school that would tease/bully me all the time. They should have their lives thrown away over it? I became friends/friendly with most of them

Yeah, we help out a rescue group that lives in our area. They’ve told us that if we wanted to foster, that we’d be accepted pretty much on the spot because we’re always helping out, and they’ve seen us interact with the puppies they have at events.  I know for a fact it’ll be super hard to say goodbye though.   So

Once our cat passes in hopefully a long time from now, we’ll do Dog fostering. So we’ll still have pets, but can go on vacation without worry.

Honestly, I mostly just go to reddit these days for info.  Discord, I’v e only used for friends.  I’ve tried adding other groups, and i find them all annoying. Probably because I’m almost 40, and most of the people on them are teens.

I’m playing Valhalla and i’m finding it harder to push through.  There’s alot of great things happening, but sop much other stuff to do, that I get side tracked doing shit I don’t really care if I do or not, but don’t like leaving things hanging.  

I’d be happy if any of their games went on sale.

Really disappointed that he doesn’t have a dumb walkcycle attack.

I’m gonna say it.

Also, if Japan is anything like Taiwan, then there’s alot of neon.  

Man, I loved playing Ragdoll Kungfu.