
I was shaming twitch. They want to put restrictions, than it should be across the board.  If they were in bikinis, sitting on their chair, playing a video game, they’d get a ban. But because they’re sitting in water it’s allowed.  There’s no logic to it.  

I don’t care if it’s represented. It’s just a general opinion on how movies will stop everything to have a conversation that has nothing to do with what’s going on. Doesn’t matter what it is.

I was stating what I think Disney is doing. That’s it. I wasn’t defending it.

I’m fine with it, because I haven’t gone to the theatre in 5 years (ever since my kid was born). All I remember from the theatre is being pissed off at the person in front of me, looking at their cell phone. Or people chattering away.

Their lawyers did what nobody else could. Convince them that Trump was lying the whole time, and had been manipulating them from the start.

Farcry is always set in South America, is it not? So what’s the problem here exactly? It’s staying true to it’s theme.

Where would you like it to resemble so that you guys don’t bitch and whine about it? Australia?   New Zealand?   Antartica?

a) I never said I couldn’t tolerate LGBT in movies. I was speaking on what I believe Disney’s perspective is. One of my favorite shows is Schitts Creek, if that says anything about how I feel.

Yes. they care about money. That was my entire speel up top. They’re looking at this from a business angle. It’s pretty obvious.

Sorry, I don’t research every single commenter I reply to. His comment was that he wants good story telling, and not just making sure it’s got x this, x that, etc. Make a good movie. I don’t care who’s in it or who they want to sleep with. If it’s good, i’ll enjoy it.

What exactly did I say in my comment to offend you? Because your comment is completely empty of anything but toxicity.

Three of my closest friends in high school were gay. Two friends from work. I didn’t feel like bringing up a list, because people get all up in arms and laugh when you say “I have a so and so friend.”

Wow.  So I have parents who made sure to raise me right, and accept all walks of life, and here you are... what exactly?   Being toxic because I put an anecdote in my comment to back up who I am as a person?   I think you need to stay out of conversations unless you’re going to actually bring something of substance to

Yeah. It lies entirely on Disney’s bottom line. They won’t rock the boat if they can help it. Money is definitely a driving force at keeping them from putting it at the front.

I think in this case, it’s Disney’s current target audience that is the driving factor. Unfortunately an LGBT story for kids isn’t something that would be seen as acceptable, because the idea of LGTB is locked into a mature adult conversation right now. Too many people feel that kids shouldn’t be subjected to it,

I am very white. However your wrong about my stance on sexuality. My mom’s best friend in high school was gay, and so she instilled acceptance in our upbringing.

Agreed. I could care less about the sexual preference of the character, as long as they tell a good story and keep the flow going.  

And I agree. I know there are plenty of movies and shows with LGBT characters without forcing it.   I’m just saying that many studios have been forcing it in, and it’s noticeably done.   

Honestly, i think it’s about easing it into normal viewing. Too many people will walk away if they feel like a studio is doing it to force feed you. So a gradual easing, means that they can have a gay lead in the future, and nobody will feel like it was forced on them. It’s kind of like the BLM content that is being

Man, i’ve only found two of them.   I find way too many side stories.   I’ve seen one animus glitch jumping puzzle.