
For me, I couldn’t enjoy Legends. It was rough. I think the one I was most attached to was The Flash. But yeah, i’ve stopped watching all of them. I was watching Supergirl for a bit, and then hit a cross over episode. So i decided to retrace through the other shows to catch up. And the watch list was a mess.  And

Diamond 2. I find Diamond is ridiculously toxic. People play more aggressively, and talk aggressively too.

Like I said. I find it interesting, since they weren’t like that when I had my laptop. Companies get greedy, and start making bad decisions, and they lose all credibility.

Did you come to this blog post making fun of the bugginess of this game, just to spout toxicity towards anybody that sees how ridiculous it is that there’s a bug that won’t let you use an elevator?

They need to stop making new content, and fix what’s already there.   

Man, the design for the kids works well in 3D, but the parents in that shot up top look awful.   

Somebody should link this article to the Rocket League crew.  Maybe inspire them to actually start taking player reports seriously.  Because the last two months, have been the most toxic, racist, bigotted months of Rocket Leagues lifespan, and nobody is getting banned for it. 

Yeah, streaming to a tv.  I don’t remember what I have it set to, but I do know that the amount of latency far outweighs anything image processing could incur.   I honestly haven’t used it in ages though.  Maybe i’ll try again. I have the new mortal kombat movie on my computer, waiting to be laughed along to.  

The upside to a Toyota is that it lasts a long ass time, though.

lol. whut?  So you ordered a car you wanted.  And then the guy looking at your order decides nobody would buy that, so they add a bunch of crap to it and send it your way?   That’s logical.. 

In 2009, I bought a Toyota Yaris. It had to me delivered from another location. Took a week or so, I think. I assume they’d at least check to see if they have exactly what you want somewhere not overly distant.

Laptops aren’t handheld though. It’s hard to balance your laptop on your legs, on the bus, while holding a controller in your hands. Better if they were all one unit, which is why you see people playing on their phones, DS’, and Switchs.

For me, it depends on the game. Rocket League? Controller. Torchlight and Diablo? M&K. Lego game? controller. City Builder? M&K. Sports Game? Controller.

DOS is a game I was meaning to try. Though I hear that the second one is better?

Like the choices you make in the game, it seems like the reviews are choosing the gray area.  

I always find it interesting, the hate on Dell. I had a Dell Laptop in college. It was a first gen wide screen laptop. Lasted a long time, and it was overall pretty great. Dell was the go to at the time. These days, it seems like around the time they bought Alienware, that I started to hear negativity towards them.

Not all the time.   I agree chunks felt like an MMO standard.  But there’s plenty of content that would work just fine standalone (in fact, I was only playing it with my wife.  We didn’t join any groups or anything.   If anything, it made me want the full Elder scrolls experience but with co-op so I can play along

Play ESO, i’d disagree. The only time I felt I wasn’t play proper ESO was when you hit the crafting content and are locked to a very MMO feel. Otherwise, there are plenty of long storylines that flow and read just like any other ES game. I agree there are plenty of grindy side quests that don’t need to be there, but

Yeah, i’ll be ordering first thing when it goes live.   That ones a no brainer.  

I find none of dot art sets look good. They just don’t grab me at all.