
Garlic breath is the creepiest breath you can have, though you prove you're not a vampire, which is a plus.

It's mostly because the guy who is working on it didn't own any A5 devices for the longest time, therefore he didn't spend too much time developing jailbreaks for them. He is currently working on it, and has made significant progress (so much so that a jailbreak is known to be possible, he is just working out the

Perhaps the UI consistency, smoothness of software, unified app store, and potential integration into an Apple environment that you're already in?

It's Disney-given. Also, Yen Sid is just "Disney" backwards.

Ah yes, we spatulas are a versatile type. It's about time we got our time in the spotlight.

I feel like I'm purchasing wallpapers for my Sims, personally.

Every person who says it acts like they're the first to say it.

Valve is definitely in a strange position. Given average joe gamer, I'm sure they would make more sales off of a game titled "Half Life 3" over "Half Life 2: Episode 3". I think jumping in that far into any series is a jank idea, but people do it, and they'd be more willing to do it on a full increment over a 2.3

Maybe... just maybe... this could also signal the arrival of an all new game engine! I mean... it would be awfully strange to be playing Half-Life 3 and then have "hl2.exe" randomly crash like all the other games.

I jest, I jest. The notification of the deal is fine, more so poking fun at the "buy it buy it buy it" thing at the end.

Looking... for... sponsored... tag...

Granted, his brief explanation does sum up most of the article.

For most people, that stereotype is long gone. Get over yourself.

Come on, is not a big deal if he article was written wihtout any thought to were grammer.

Well, if you guys will all excuse me, I now must go take the longest piss of my life.

At least she's reporting the news without any slant—BHAHAHAHA

I'm just gonna say, I think people are looking into the logo WAY too hard. Grand Theft Auto is rooted in the idea of being badass and making a bunch of money along the way—I just feel like the five/5/V is just seizing the opportunity to use the money-like symbol.

I don't think anyone could stomach the Akron accents through the whole game

People keep asking what the practical use of this is, but I see it being an obvious and awesome improvement over "wrist-protection" efforts currently in place in many pen-based note-taking apps in the tablet space.

I used a cell phone once and died twice. True story.