
What's your plan to fix this?

Cue the mass of people who have no understanding of how shelters work, the current state of the stray animal population, or how crowded animal shelters already are.

I really don't see this being a monumental issue. True, they won't be in the tablet market, but its not like their regular desktop OS won't be making sales. Say what you want about market share, competition, and so on—Windows 8 will net them plenty of money (barring some kind of ridiculous disaster).

Hey there baby, I got you a present...

Infamous Moments: Being "That" Guy

Dekopon, I choose you!

Looks like I would be an excellent invention for testing miniature buildings against micro-scale seismic activity.

3D Porn

What with the OS being killed off, would it be tasteful to call it an endangered OS?

Perhaps they could revamp the whole program with adjusted conditions? Then, after the dust settles, we could debate over which was the Best Best Buy Buy Back Program.

So does any circular-ish object subliminally imply another circular-ish object?

Not that it matters, and not that anyone really doubted the name of the new iPad would be called "iPad 2", but I feel that this choice date (March 2) made way for a very clever invite graphic you see here. The giant "2" in the middle here is certainly driving home the thought of an upcoming "iPad 2".

Not a fan of the compact style. IE9 already has this style, more or less, and it just feels claustrophobic to me if you're the type who opens up multiple tabs or frequently runs into sites with long URL's.

Your recent comments seem very bitter.

I can't wait to harvest all those p's on my 5-inch Droid X Pro 5!

The New Xperia Play: Featuring SpikeSense™

I found it near impossible to google any information about CLit Exploder. I did however fill up my external hard drive in the process. Also, McAfee won't run. Also, I won a free iPod Nano like 12 times.

Despite everything mentioned in this article, I still don't see this phone selling well. Commonly thrown around is the idea that people don't want multiple gadgets in their pocket and that's a fair enough claim. I can handle two gadgets, a phone (that plays games fairly well, ala, an Android phone or an iPhone) and