
I think it's shitty to blame men for feeling this way, frankly. We have been largely raised from birth to believe that we should provide. Whether that is "true" or not is a different story, but this is a constant message. You know how we all shake our heads at the social messages about beauty for women? This is

When my sister was 2-3, she went through a tantrum-throwing phase. My parents made it a point to periodically walk through the room where she was pitching her fit and step over her without even glancing at her, so she would know that this was not working. One day she was throwing a particularly bad tantrum, and my

I suspected that my mother didn't love me, and this seals the deal. Never once do I recall her fretting over what my storyline would be during the upcoming season.

I recently had to undergo a physical examination that included several vaccinations as a part of my immigration paperwork to become a permanent US resident. I already had most of the vaccinations required, and I'm also lucky enough to be in good general health, but it just seems very ironic to me that Americans are

I would say the worst part of being vegan is that naturally a lot of your friends are anti-vax, anti-fluoride, anti-GMO nutjobs.

You have not truly experienced the raw oyster until you have eaten on the dock in south Louisiana.

I'm typing this out while sitting on a couch in what used to be my brothers and I room. All my stuff is still in the car (I just flew in from the Middle East) and every morning, I have to go out to my car to grab cloths to wear. I have to be careful in this room because every square inch of space is filled with cacti.

Finally! I'll be able to get the sexy lips I've always wanted!

Little known problems of having a thigh gap:

Thanks for perpetuating the stereotype that teaching degrees are attained by the lower achievers among us out there, and that the profession is full of morons. Please get out of my profession. Thanks.

I also have a MS in Education. You're an embarrassment to our profession.

I think it is stingy and self absorbed to act like your mere presence is a gift. Would you show up to a graduation party without a gift, or a baby shower, or a retirement party? If the answer is no, then you shouldn't treat a wedding any different. If the answer is yes, then you are a boor.

I think the bride sounds awful, and I hate when people dictate what kinds of gifts are acceptable, but to attend a wedding and not bring anything as a gift? That is also really shitty.

I'm your opposite. I work in oil service company, and I really want to wear my suits to work, but I will look like an idiot because everyone just wear polo shirt, jeans/chinos, and sneakers.

Engineers in jeans FTW!

A rig worker might only get 36,640 salary, but a directional driller could get about 350k a year. true story.

Sorry but...