
I like that guy. He's one of few guys that I've seen at one of these companies that doesn't seem like an arrogant prick who tries to give the run around. Iwata gives me that vibe too. I also kind of warned up to Kaz Harai also.

Thanks man, been waiting a while for some kind of response on this.

Wow this comment is so old, I forgot I made it.
But thanks for the suggestion

Who says that about the new Pokemon? I hate Ash's new eyes, but damn if it doesn't look good as a whole.

What the fuck was wrong with good ol' hand drawn animation? I mean damn, I hate this soulless 3D CGI trash. I mean I like it when it's done well and obviously has a budget behind it and doesn't look like borderline 90s/early 00s level CGI. When Pixar does it, I love it because Pixar's movies are quality, sealed at the

I like how fact people are quick to turn something into a big deal. Shit happens a sec ago "SEE GUYS THAT'S WHO IT IS AND ALWAYS WAS, SYSTEM BREAKING UPDATES!" Yeah that has been pulled, and has rarely happened. Just like the morons who tried to call bad on the PS4 because a game crashed at their E3. Yes, a console

Wait, so this book isn't satire that makes fun of creep fucks that make big deals over shit like this? Because that's what it seems like. One of those things that if you pick this up thinking that it'll actually work, then it's a joke on you and the authors know damn well who they're targeting? Like that "kid's book"

You stupid piece of shit. At least be informed why he named his child that, you fucking idiot. So quick to make fun of something, it was his mother's fucking name.

Believe me, I've been choked on some true confrontational shit, a few timed. When you're a guy and you high school bullies are some huge fucking guys trying to get money out of you, they're 20 times rougher and no one cares, will try to stop it, or come to you aid as a guy. And that's part of the reason. When shit

Eh.. throw up? It's fucked up, but doesn't make me want to throw up. I don't know the last time I threw up for anything but being since. And believe me, I worked (illegally) on crime scene clean up, and I've seen some pretty horrific and fucked up shit. And some gore pictures, but that's besides the fact.

I was skimming past the Cooking channel once, and I saw this one! And she stopped my remote clicking! Immediately I had to run to my laptop to get a more in depth look into who she was. On that day, I had a new crush.

Eat a dick

Kirk! Any idea if we'll be able to choose the color of the light on the back of the controller?

And what's a god doing with feet, anyways?
God damn it... you got me

Haha, and what do you think I'm gonna do? Get all humble and apologize? That's right, acknowledge me. Let me tell you arrogantly, yes I am the god of game factoids.
Get on your knees and kiss my feet.

Look at his response. He's an Xbox fan

Way to make a purchase choice, dipshit.
I think I'm talking to a teenager.

Lmao, funny since the Xbox is made by an American company and perfect represents the state of this country and the dumb ass Mountain Dew gamer fuel sipping, FPS toting, dorrito face stuffing dickwits that populate the Xbox fanbase. It's funny how one man suck the cock of a corporation can call out others for sucking

ROCKSTAR NEVER COMES TO E3! I don't get how people can call themselves gamers and be so oblivious to this stuff. This is common knowledge to people who have been gaming for years. They don't go there anymore.

Well, mind's made up. I'm going PS4 and Wii U this gen.
You can keep your shitbox one.