
That guy is so awkward that it's cool.

Hey, if someone wants to objectify my penis, I'm all for it. Tell me how great my butt looks too, it'll brighten my day right up.

I came to see dicks flapping up and down in 2000fps. Why was there no dicks?


I was just listening to Interpol.

Way to generalized, dumbfuck. Get a life, and maybe you would be so inclined to focus on other's so much. Capisci?

"Urbanist" as a person who has lived in the city all by life, I have to ask. Is this just more pretentious dumb shit to call yourself while trying to differentiate yourself from the hipsters, while sound just as fucking dumb and stuck up as the hipsters?

Well broski, I guess I have to see this.

What are you even talking about, and why are you throwing insults at me? You're a crazy person, go away.

No, you shut the fuck up

If you did what the fuck you want, you wouldn't need some Americanized holiday to get drunk. Dumb fuck.

Stupid geek culture bullshit as of late. Everything old is new, as always.

Future Sex was released in 2006

Microsoft can't sue them just off the fact that the controller looks similar to the Xbox 360's controller. When people just up and call for suit cases or whatever on things like this, it's usually followed up by the fact that it's not that simple. Microsoft wouldn't be that babyish. Many companies use that button

Eh, as a man who has no problems with a clean well groomed pussy, I have no problems with this song.

Meh, I'd rather have that than another brodude channel. Which is what G4 and gaming culture has largely drifted towards. Not another "OH HEY DUDE MOUNTAIN DEW SLIM JIMS WRASSLIN AND MMA! BORING WHITE BLONDE WOMEN WITH HUGE FAKE TITS IN BIKINIS! BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT ALL MEN LIKE, RITE DUDE!? ALSO VIDEO GAMES WITH

No, when THQ was still alive their new president made them can Enter the Dominatrix as DLC, and and turn it into what was going to become 4.

Meh, looks like all they did was add a little more to Saints Row The Third. This looks like what was gonna be the "Enter the Dominatrix" add on that was supposed to be released for Saints Row The Third. I think it is, because when Jason Rubin got in as president of THQ, he made Volition can it as dlc, and had them

I pictured that. Thanks for the funny image

I would guess it's because there's more people who buy smartphones than they are who's out for a dedicated gaming handheld which doesn't have the form factor of a common smartphone. The smartphone market is comprised of more than gamers who want a more full experience on the go. A lot of people who wouldn't care to