
Well its true in some districts it doesn’t matter whose running just the letter behind their name.

No he would go to rehab. Afterwards he would do a redemption tour on the morning shows.

why? Barack Obama was and is a centrist. The left never actually listens to what their annoited savioirs are actually saying. We just hear what we want to hear.

I’m sure Donald won’t even bother to actually watch the movie. 

No. CPAC is a bunch of fake christian racist they want guns and tax cuts. Tax cuts they don’t even benefit the majority of them.

They plan to summon Satan from the bowels of Hell.

Joe is touchy feely. Just google Joe Biden hugging men. 

Bernie still chasing the more important white male vote. FOX viewers don’t care about your old useless ass Bernie.

I was under the impression Prince George County Maryland is the homeland of the uppity negro.

Barr is a partisan hack, but he isn’t stupid. 

Thats not going to happen. Nothing is there.

No Dems had a hand is this selection. Rosenstein picked him. Ro is a Republican.

When the report finally falls into a reporter’s hands I think we will see Barr is a lying liar who lies. He is the reason nobody from Iran Contra went to jail.

The letter from Barr says Russia interfered. That has never been the question/

Man hires Private Investigator to avoid jail. I’m shocked.

George Conway is garbage just like his wife. No doubt in my mind he runs all his tweets through her before they are released. Trump will end one day and the family needs to have one of them on the right side of history.

So useless woman managed to block office space. Thank God. The word is safe now.

Olivia and Fitz aren’t real people. It is not the same damn thing.

She was a Pentagon intern, that got moved to the White House because of the GOP government shut down. I’m sure she got the job like every other intern.  Her family knew the right people.

He didn’t initiate the relationship, she did.