Track: Milla’s Dream | Artist: Parov Stelar | Album: The Princess
Track: Milla’s Dream | Artist: Parov Stelar | Album: The Princess
Hey Luke, do you by any chance know the intricacies of trademark reinforcement? Because I’ve got this art house porno script I’ve been working on that doesn’t really work without the name “8-way Santa.” I’d just hire another Santa, but these mall touring fuckers all talk to each other and I can't trick a 9th one into…
Cats are at least chaotic neutral. True neutral be boring af.
Lovely track. I enjoy songs like this that are in no great hurry to finish. They take their time.
Silent Hill, Castlevania, Metal Gear, Contra.....so long childhood gaming memories! :(
I remember the precise moment when I fell in love with Dark Souls.
Sounds like he got screwed. Not that I am too upset by this. Make a game that requires some effort to develop and it wont be easy to clone. I can NOT wait for the day when these crappy “games” die a horrible death.
I thought the 3rd person switches were weird too. Like cover mechanics work in Killzone and stuff, and first person sneaking worked out fine in Dishonored (maybe Thief? didn’t play it), so the first I played Deus Ex : HR, and the game just suddenly switched to 3rd person when i went into cover, I was like :/.
Everyone has that one game they still remember playing for the first time. For me, it was Deus Ex: Human Revolution.…
It’s a bold move on part of Tripwire. Killing Floor had a pretty passionate fanbase, and this has seemed to be one of the most anticipated games out there. Honestly, I wish more game companies would do this.
No, it’s be like the police serving you with a restraining order if you were repeatedly abusive and threatening to your neighbor. I never understand the people who get up in arms over clauses like these when it comes to playing a communal game. Don’t be human garbage to others online. It’s that simple. And understand…
Meanwhile, at Every EULA Ever:
Oh man, I love Killing Floor. Such a fun series.
Alternate TheBlaze.com headline: “New video game trains gays to slaughter straights!”
Kano is totally a bear.
Great. Here comes the HuffPo article about the "NEW VIDEOGAME THAT ENCOURAGES BRUTALLY MURDERING GAYS!"