Please try again.
Please try again.
Still using Spotify, "chrome extension thingy"
Nice find, but like the last user, I like to Highlight where I left off.
Worked but made one zoomed in pic look just as bad zoom.
Can we make this flash back and forth like Kit from Knight Rider
Oh yeah lets, Lets tune in!!!
Oh yeah, lets tune in!!
ditto on the monitor capable HDMI then switch it.
the cartoon is rad, but this how I work was indeed lacking.
Lets Market this "Wonder Band" you call a wallet,
Now that you have brought this to my attention, I do the same thing! Back then it was all about yay, I need it, newsgroups, newsgroups, newsgroups. Now times have changed, yeah sure i'll still get a movie here, a comic book there, but things now a days are so readily available. I seem to enjoy my subscriptions to…
It might be too early to be happy right now, will have to come back to this. ZzzzCoffeeZzz
Got a couple of pairs for Christmas for my Son and I of the older versions. by far the best bang for our buck. I deff will be picking up some more of these. Thanks for the tip!
Yes, I have been waiting for you in the dark under the bed, the time is now.
Actually this Post made my day!!!! 1 thumb up!
All I wanna say is Excellent name "Fancy Hand's"
Actually this is pretty awesome
Basically I just want my resume to pop eyes, once it gets past the software screener's