
If you can then go for it. Working the 4-10 schedule is great if you're somewhat of a night owl and have trouble waking up at 5-6AM in the morning everyday. That 3rd day in the weekend is just the right sweetspot to get all charged up for the next week. Plus you still have more than enough time after the days you work

The NSA is tracking everything you do on the Internet, but I don't want the NSA tracking everything I do in my living room that's independent from the Internet. I have a few "rituals" I perform before I game so I'm not so fond of a always on camera/microphone in my living room. So personally I will stay away from the

A little pride is fine, especially when you're working on something, but I agree taking pride over something loving something more than someone is idiotic.

I don't know about other eastern mafias like the ones in China or Korea, but the Japanese mafia operate a little differently than their western counterparts. In Japan, the yakuza own a couple of businesses just like their western counterparts, but the difference is that their business is their actual business. In the

It's fine with being proud about liking something. You can be proud to love sports, to be gay, to be American, to love your job, to love your hobbies, etc... The thing I don't get is why people have to prove that they are a bigger fan than someone. Does it offer them a sense of being important in that genre? What is

SPOILER WARNING: If you played on PC then it wasn't as bad, but if you played on console then it was a disappointing experience. Like AC2 on consoles was a polished and well made experience, so everyone expected that type of game from AC3 and the way they hyped people's expectations went up even more, but then when we

I want to see someone mod into AC4 a Link outfit and this song whenever you start sailing. Would be pretty cool in my opinion.

I don't understand the big deal over nudity. It's just the human body.

Disregard my last comment. Apparently you can't edit posts on Kotaku after you refresh the page. After a little further analysis this will just hurt you. If you wanna make a lawsuit then this is the perfect product for that, but if you want to keep your teeth then avoid this thing. I posted two other comments that

But actually after further analysis of this thing I'd rather build my own standard go kart. This thing is just an accident waiting to happen since it's using polyurethane wheels from their scooters. If you have any experience with skateboarding with wheels smaller than 60mm in diameter then you should know how

It's a kind of cool concept, but I smell a dozen lawsuits coming from this thing. You see I have experience with skateboarding and rocks don't go well with polyurethane wheels which are commonly used in scooters, skateboards, and from the looks of it this thing, unless they are larger than a certain diameter, but

Looks like the guy at 0:57 is an adult so it's an all ages type of thing as long as you weigh under 140 pounds so you have to be a small adult.

I would kill for that silver playstation. Actually I wouldn't, but it is pretty damn sexy.

Ni No Kuni was a major disappointment for me. People said it was like Pokemon, Final Fantasy and party based combat had a love child. Like evolving Familiars was a grueling experience and almost not even worth the time. The battle system was alright. I had a few issues with it, but those issues are part of the

I don't think the poll represents Japanese gamers at all. The site is which looks to me like a tech site and smartphone site so the people going on there aren't gamers or believe their smart phone can give them their gaming needs anyways so it's pretty obvious this poll wasn't going to look good for

Another cool anime is Darker Than Black. It's an anime where people in our reality gain super powers after the appearance of two craters called Heaven's and Hell's Gates. Those people are called contractors and I think the anime takes place 15-20 years after the gates appear so the government has special organizations

Sometimes the graphics are good, but that all depends on whether or not the character you rolled has good perks and stats. Unfortunately my character was born with bad eye sight so everything from afar looks like a blur. I had to pay with some in-game currency for some eye equipment called "Glasses" that I can't

I couldn't bear watching any more videos after halfway through the second one. That hamster song is too much for me to handle nowadays. I remember hating it in my youth and I hate it even more now.

Just think of it like the console wars except a few levels down compared to it.