
HDTVs are dirt cheap nowadays so I don't think it's a big deal.

Actually if you watched the Gametrailers stream yesterday when Peter Moore, COO of EA came on to talk to Geoff Keighly about Microsoft's used game policies, Peter was actually pretty hesitant of them because EA has had experience with online passes, they are just bad rep, it slows down Gamestop business, which makes

It's the same DRM system on Xbox 360 and PS3 right now....

If you've strayed yourself from the handheld console market for a couple of years then I suggest you buy yourself a 3DS XL or a regular 3DS . That is where all the turn based RPGs have gone and there are more coming soon. Some fairly new games that you can try are Fire Emblem : Awakening, Etrian Oddysey, Shin Megami

The same can be said about the music industry right now where all the major labels produce songs with the same beats and melodies except they use a different singer every now and then. You cannot expect innovation from the people at the top. They are there to make money and will introduce as little improvements as

There is no DRM system for PS4. There is a used game system that will probably work like the online pass, otherwise we would have to connect to the Internet every 24 hours like the Xbox One in order for it to work. If developers wanted to they could implement their used game system on current gen consoles easily like

Jack Tretton's words are a little messy, but this is completely different from Microsoft's used game policies. Sony isn't enforcing anything. In fact they have no policies on used games whatsoever. If there is a used game system by publishers it will be in the form of an online pass, which killed EA's reputation to

You may think of consoles as a bad thing, but consoles stabilize the market for PC gaming. If for some reason we got rid of consoles for some random reason one day, do you know what would happen to PC gaming? You would pay through the roof for hardware. The PC gaming scene would become just like the mobile phone

Sorry if you think that's wrong, but I've never really played a bad Nintendo game. All the games I've played so far have been pretty solid games. The gameplay is almost always good on them, although Skyward Sword was a little wonky at first, but I got used to it. Other than that the gameplay in almost all of their

It was like that for Xbox 360 and PS3. Most games appeared on both platforms because it made more money that way and we'll see exclusive games come soon enough. Just wait a year for Sony to make some cash on the PS4 and next e3 we'll probably see another 5-10 exclusive games.

I just need a brand new Zelda game and that will give me the push I need to buy a WiiU. Super Smash Bros, TLoZ Wind Wind Waker remake, and Monolith's new game. Considering that's pretty much half the number of games that I bought in the Wii's 7 year life cycle then I'll be pretty satisfied with it. I literally bought

Well no shit.

If we factor out online services for a second then the PS4 is just $400, the X1 forces you to have a Internet connection so that $500 should be close to a $1000 because if you want a nice Internet connection then you need to pay at least $40-60 a month so the Xbox is much more expensive choice if you can't afford

Oh yeah don't forget about the mad discounts you get on games and DLC when you're a PS plus member. I went browsing through the PSN store a few weeks ago and was really tempted to get PS+

If you're a gamer then you gotta love Nintendo games. They are always good, I haven't purchased a WiiU yet, but once they announce a Zelda game and maybe the SMTxFire Emblem crossover game then I'll be buying one.

I don't care about used games that much either, but the thing that concerned me about the X1's policies was what happens to my games when the servers go down when a newer Xbox comes out. Do I lose them because X1 requires an online check every 24 hours and some games are very dependent for online. I still have games I

They said it on their Facebook page that Final Fantasy 15 and KH3 will be exclusive to PS4. EDIT: Derp nevermind, but whatever FF15 and KH3 will probably be titles that I will play 10-15 years from now like the old FF and KH games, so with Sony's support for used games then I will be able to play them so and so years

Battlefield 4 and Titanfall are different experiences so one isn't better than the other. Anyways Titanfall might be the shooter I've been craving for the past couple of years. COD is too much of the same thing now and Halo added too many modern features, so I've been shooterless for a while now. Titanfall and BF4

Who cares? She's still an awesome character and anyways Morrigan's cinematic look looks different than her in-game look. This is Morrigan in the Dragon Age Origins trailer from a couple of years ago.

A computer is too big for my setup. I'd need to make a an ITX system and then there's all the settings to adjust. They're not difficult to setup, but I become OCD when the game doesn't play how I want it to play. Oh my frames are stuttering here, let's crank down textures... Well the environment looks like shit, let's