If you read the latest issue of game informer there's an article about what lead up to their closing and they talk about all these neat games they had planned to make.
If you read the latest issue of game informer there's an article about what lead up to their closing and they talk about all these neat games they had planned to make.
Well....back when Lucas arts was still breathing they had planned on making a sequel and even something called Imperial commando, but that all changed when the fire nation attacked....
Halo 4 was a competent game. Great story and all, but I feel the multiplayer was the weakest in the series thanks to 343 taking certain ques from COD
RIGHT?! the last three godzilla games were great! Never got to play Unleashed, because having to use the nunchucks on the wii version discouraged me, but if we could get a legit godzilla game it'd make the fans happy. why do we have to settle for some piece of shit mobile game? it WILL most likely suck....
My brother and I woke early one morning and found this playing on those shitty religious tv stations. The kids pushed a cart into 2 thugs. Me and my brother turned to each other and said "Such violence"
All I can say is DONT FUCK IT UP!!! Not buying day one....
Also why has no one posted this yet?
I dont think /b/ would do this, maybe /v/. seems like everyone on there hates kotaku (Kraptaku for /v/) with a burning passion. I wouldn't know been a while since I've browsed there
In theory if Microsoft strikes a deal with a certain phone provider and let's us use their mobile xbox with a wireless hot spot then we could very well end lag in multiplayer gaming.
Or you know if we had the game sharing ability which could have put gamestop out of business this wouldn't have been a problem, but NOOOOOOO we don't want to have to connect to the internet once every 24 hours -__-
Whatever it is it's weird and sounds pissed off..
Hey stop spreading the hate, I already saw this same comment by you in the " why many launch games get crummy reviews" article
Hey, King kong was a pretty fun game (almost like playing a simpler turok) and for the time when the 360 and ps3 first released my younger self thought the game looked and sounded great on next gen.
Halo 3 was perfect, because it was simple. no special abilities, no credits and bullshit point system. it was just you and a battle rifle. Also, Dat Haybusa sword. Strangest reference in halo
I've been trying to find the halo 4 controller to match with the blue controllers. thing looks sweet
I love that Halo 4 edition xbox 360. bought mine off someone for $200 with games included in hard drive
Pro Golf: Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge
dude I saw the Godzilla encounter at San Diego comic con TWICE, they got this. TOHO LTD had a lot of input into the project.
oh god, my dad has an issue of dark claw.