
That is an A+ headline and you deserve all your success.

YouTube Thumbnail Simulator is definitely something I would spend $10 on.

Fuck Senate Leader Mango

Senate Leader Mango should probably do something about this.

Is there a version for Youtube yet? Where I take an article I found online, don’t bother reading it, and then rant about what I imagine it to have said for 1.5 hours while getting basic, verifiable facts wrong.

I’d like to play that version. The thumbnail for my youtube video would have LOTS of red circles and

I don’t trust this article.

Pop would love this kid.

That was literally one of the best sports questions I have heard.

I'm fourth gen Arizonan and I agree with your points. Especially the one about snarky satire. Lighten up.

Vermont & New Hampshire: The Most Underrated Hatred in all of America

You just made Kansas look soooo good, with your readin' skills and all.

I agree with pretty much everything you say here.

Your state has ceased to exist effective July 31, 2012.

Illinois: New York? No. Chicago hates NYC, but the rest of Illinois doesn't give a fuck about NYC and the whole of Illinois doesn't give a fuck about the large state of New York.
And most Chicagoans hate Wisconsin more than they hate NYC, so I'd say N. Illinois hates Wisconsin. S. Illinois hates Missouri.

There's no way West Virginians would be able to name another state.

Shouldn't Arizona's arrow point south?