No, that overly simplifies religion, culture, psychology, pretty much the entirety of human existence.
No, that overly simplifies religion, culture, psychology, pretty much the entirety of human existence.
Someone who finds the idea appealing? And this is exactly what I'm talking about, they're poor and they're brown so by Jezebel standards they can't do anything on their own, they're victims of inescapable power structures, they have no will of their own, etc.
what i know about you is that you are dismissive about people's choices in their religious beliefs.that's pretty much all i need to know...
eyeroll? really?!?!? i am guessing you don't have a lot of hijab-wearing muslimah friends, huh? bc the ones i have would very much say that they choose to wear the mother-in-law is a turkish muslim and she also CHOOSES to wear one forces her, especially not in turkey...
Not a stretch at all. The assumption in the story is that it's exploitative, but I'm guessing it's because Jezebel writers like to cling to a narrative that only 30-something upper middle class white Brooklyn-based bloggers have sexual agency, and everyone else is either a victim or a predator.
They have one. It's fedora shaped, and it sits on your head.
Oh, come on. Two women in two different countries were deemed "too hot" to work in public. How is this not the fucking same? Oh, right, BROWN PEOPLE!!!!!!
I know we all want to say "WOW" about this story as if that could never happen in America, but of course in Iowa the supreme court ruled that a woman could be fired from her job for being too is that different?
But your comment was racist you can shit on men without using racial stereotypes, sigh white feminists.
"Genocide"? Really? Really?
I'm so glad we have white people around to explain at non-white people why they have no right to find things offensive.
Wearing the hijab is not a vile practice. Are orthodox Jewish woman who cover and wear wigs vile? Nuns? Usually women wear it out of modesty, like one of my aunts. Educate yourself. If someone doesn't want to show there tits and ass, it doesn't make them bad, it's the opposite, they are classy. Thank God I am Middle…
That's funny Franice is putting its foot down. They could occupy these same people's land years ago but when they come to immigrate there, gasp! lets change the rules. Most of the Muslim girls I know where hijab and they do that as a choice, in fact a friend of mine wore it and her dad asked her not too because of…
Oh, don't worry. I believe in the power of the internet. She's gonna wish she had thrown out that jury summons, like I do every time I get one.
I do too.
I really hope this lady's name gets leaked to the public.
Your point is fair, but white anti-racist allies (I am white FWIW) really do need to more than don hoodies and change their facebook profile pics because that is the trendy, faux-activist thing that everyone is doing. If POC are bothered by the hoodie fad, we should take note.
Hey, fellow white ladies of Jezebel: Let's remember that a black kid is still dead, and his killer is still free. It's not about our feelings tonight, or about what black people say about us. It's about the fact that black lives do not, according to the state of Florida, and in American society at large, matter.