
You mean a group of (mostly) white people imposing their viewpoints on Afghanistan after destroying the country, terrorizing its citizens, murdering them, torturing them, and more shouldn't be called out for what it is? The article basks in American nationalism much like any coverage of the Middle East, Central Asia,

No, it is colonialism. Having a bunch of white women telling women of color what to do will never work. PoC, especially WoC, do not like it. Get used to it. I (and many, many others) hate having to hear how FEMEN, IGLA, et al represent everyone when they are exclusionary groups that promulgate Western racism towards

It was no walk in the park obviously, but America did prolong its suffering with the desire to give the USSR its own Vietnam. Nothing justified the American destruction and invasion of Afghanistan starting in 2001. It is nothing short of hilarious that women's rights is the new go to call for supporting this invasion

Yeah, the great imperialist America that has made the life of Afghan women far worse over the past decade gets upset when its colonialism and imperialism gets called out. The bombings, invasion, occupation, and puppet government have done nothing but wonders for women's rights.

Human rights are not universal. Never have been, never will be. They are little more than impositions of cultural imperialists.

No, I was also including all your wars of aggression, your sanctions, your invasions, your toppling of legitimate governments, etc. Drones are just the latest abomination.

Really? You mean firing a drone missile at a village is not premeditated murder? They weren't sending a letter to the editor. The USA seems to have loads of "accidental" deaths. America as a whole hasn't done one thing to stop that. Hundreds of thousands if not millians of civilian deaths over the past several decades

Yes, let's talk about how the USA murdered 14 children and 22 women in one drone strike in 2009. Or, do their lives not value as much indignation because they were murdered by the USA? The USA kills far more women, children, and men in their violent aggressive acts than some instances in the justice systems of Iran

Yeah, how dare that person point out the foibles and hypocrisy of America! It is that shining beacon of freedom.

By creating categories like gay, women's rights, etc, the West created identities that have no historical grounding outside its proper cultural context. You can't just scream gay rights, women's rights when such categories are non-existent in a society. It is violence to impose them and creates upheaval as previous

Ah yes, a small handful of men equals the power of America's military, economic, and political capital. Completely equal situation. In the case of the West, the irony remains that your incitement to discourse in other regions of the world creates further problems for the people you want to save. Then again, nuance and

Well, unsurprisingly, most people are not terribly keen on Western imperialism and colonialism or agents of it.

Instead of being a standard American bigot, maybe actually educate yourself on the subject. You could start with Lila Abu-Lughoud's "Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving." It might open your eyes to the problems that white Western feminists, gay rights activists, et al create.

I have actually lived in the Middle East for years. Saudi Arabia is not the be-all end-all of Islam, Arabs, or non-American societies. As a QoC, I have felt safer in many ways in the Middle East then I have ever felt in the USA. Maybe we should talk about the murder rate in the USA being far higher?

No, America just does it to other peoples or through "nice" means like its expansive prison system.

We can play the what-if games but we do not know what would have happened. There is just as much evidence that the Japanese government was in the process of starting peace negotiations. I just hate it that Americans seem to justify their barbarity to the world by pointing out the actions as others. Your nation is just

Yes, I get upset at the destruction of Dresden, the Blitz, Berlin, et al. Hiroshima and Nagasaki do stand out (alongside Dresden) as particularly vengeful attacks to punish civilian populations. I don't want to make this a who suffered more than others test. Most nations involved with the war, with the notable

So the solution to war crimes is to commit an equally disturbing war crime? The Rape of Nanjing is up there on the list of the horrors of war but to say that somehow justifies the incineration of two cities (after firebombing many other cities) and killing at least tens of thousands of civilians is a ghastly statement.