
I remember way back in the day, when South Park was going to reveal Cartman's dad, they ended the episode on a cliffhanger and said they'd be back in four weeks for the actual reveal. Of course, four weeks later was April 1. I remember having a Find Out Cartman's Real Dad sleepover. People came over. We got snacks.

Now all they need to do is make Super Fami-Convoy.

You have learned well my son.

Wow, persecution complex much?

I am fine with teaching Creationism —nn the context of Literature and Fiction.

Now playing

Man.... Toonami promos were the freaking best man.

The way the real Super Bowl is playing out so far, this actually isn't all too far off. o_O

God, they even nailed the sound effects. This is perfect. I wish Square still made games like this, even just as a side thing in addition to their big $100 million projects.

Seriously? He openly refused to lay off employees, then cut his own pay. You've got to be the only person on the planet who's cynical enough to find something negative in that.

It's not really practical, but it's a good gesture, and good PR as well. It shows they're admitting to their mistakes and taking SOME kind of responsibility for them. It shows that they're wiling to incentivize themselves to improve their company's financial situation.

Yeah, but seriously, fuck the old, stupidly huge safaris with the stupid rock and food mechanic.

Of course there are endings in real life. Death is a good one for starts.

If only there was a good guy with a rubber band gun to stop him.

I should get armor.

Dude, I'd legitimately hire the fuck out of you because of that comment.