
I posted this downthread as well...Trump and Bannon have espoused rioting and violence in the streets as part of his vision for “Making this country great”

62,013,985, as of 4:21 pm ET, Nov. 17

Fingers crossed that each one these stops turns into a disaster when swarms of good people protest and give him a taste of why over 60 million did NOT vote for him.

The mayor of Portland has vowed the same, as has the mayor of San Jose. I’m sure there are more, but this is an awesome hot-take on the age old republican mantra of giving power back to the states and municipalities...ohhh so now you mean that was just a dog-whistle to be able to enact bigoted laws that you want

Also, assuming this is this psych profile is even somewhat accurate, you don’t try to reason with a narcissist, or appeal to their better nature (they don’t have one). They have no interest in differentiating between positive and negative attention, so if you tell them a lot of people are frightened they hear ‘I’m doin

Lindsey Graham just called for a Congressional investigation into Russia and our election today.

Marine Le Pen will be elected president of France next year and she’s also a Putin puppet. This is all beyond belief. A week after election day and none of it seems real.

Where were the Congressional investigations on this? We wasted millions in tax payer dollars on Benghazi and emailz, but will this get the same attention? This seems a hell of a lot more disturbing.

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

Is Eric the one who looks like his mother was frightened by Gary Busey while she was pregnant with him?

One of my english teachers has a class that’s basically just gifted (i.e. fuck around and do whatever you want because you have straight A’s) and the day after the election they asked if they could make some posters and she has them hanging up and I was tearing up looking at them. We have over 50% english language

Teens know. They can smell authoritarianism and they’re naturally averse to it.

Daddy Trump wants his kids and son-in-law to get top security clearance. This is NOT a joke. They’re gonna run America like a Mob family business. I wonder how long it will be before they try to get clearance for Alex Jones.

I feel like (if society continues to exist) history books will start with a chapter on 2016, the beginning of the end. “The death of musician David Bowie surprised and saddened the nation, yet no one realized it was a sign of things to come...”

The Atlantic has a deeply depressing article about the press and a Trump administration:

Minorities and other disparaged groups have tried to warn passive non racist white people that this is how their white peers think but we just get ignored or told that we’re being too sensitive or“I don’t personally know any proud racists so there cant be that many” or that cthe racists are declining and will die

Agreed. This whole Twitter thread is worth reading. The Bannon appointment should be the end of any and all “give Trump a chance” talk (which was already nonsense to begin with); anyone still peddling that line is not an ally.

Several people I know are saying that the Republican establishment is going to stand up to this appointment. There’s no chance of that. What is actually happening is Republican racism is being brought into the light.

This is one of those memes that gets posted a lot whenever something horrible or fucked up happens, but this week is the first time I’ve ever meant the words literally.