
At least it’s not Assassin’s Creed concept art.


....thought you should know.

Dear 8pounds 7ounce newborn Christ, sitting in your bassonet, don’t even know any words, listening to your Baby Einstein records.

With that closed loop liquid cooling system, he looks ready to overclock!

I fully expect Barret Mii Gunner costume pieces

They went with blue for Luke because it was his lightsaber in A New Hope. This way, they can sell you three different Lukes for the three movies. Strike that - four versions for four movies, with TFA. And we’ll get four Hans, four Leias... maybe four Chewies, if they think people will pay for them. They want as many

I’ll drink some caffeine while telling the counterfeiter that the sleigh is beige, but my weight has been deceiving me lately and feels foreign. Yet, I perceive the reigns of the seismic veins. Their surveillance has unveiled a zeitgeist, and their airfreight of eight dreidels didn’t feign either.

(This is all using puppets)

And now I’m humming that amalgamation name to the tune of Weird Al’s “Albuquerque.”

This is precisely what has me cautious. They are expecting us to buy dinner, but they keep looking heavily at the dessert menu as well. They are being very vague about how content post launch is going to be handled and I’d rather not get a Blizzard version of Evolve.

Now playing

Looks like we’re going to need another Timmy is all I can think of.

Playing Cho’Gall with a random is going to be like:

Okay ... Am I the ONLY one who notice they introduced Cho’gall with a freaking Team Rocket reference??? Holy shit! I might play him just as props to Blizz’ for that alone!

But do they have the guts to call them Let’s Playboys?

Cannot wait for the fan art….!

I’m lost in his eyes.

Yes...yes I did read that with his voice in my head.

Enemy Deception. Easy Implementation. Outcome.