
Now grab your destiny... IF YOU KNOWWW WHAT I MEEEEAANN!!

Everybody's talking about Mega Slowbro and I'm just over here thinking how cute Mega Audino is.

Oh god yes please. The King's Quest series is a jewel in the crown of my childhood and a void that really needs to be filled. HD King's Quest along the lines of Broken Sword 5 would be sweet and delicious.

Kano now comes with mass effect endings!

The only way to win at Flappy Bird, is to not play Flappy Bird.

Those arms are ripped. Literally :P

Tingle confirmed!

It might just be an attempt to push Nintendo to release an official version. For all we know those videos are all that the project is. It keeps people talking about it and sets a sort of standard.

This guy is the dev, right? You'd think he could at least get the pronunciation right.

Chandelevior though! <3

This expansion is working very hard to get me back…
And it's working…

Send help.

I am SUCH a pack rat so this is one of my favorite features in the expansion. :)

He's said in a few interviews that A) his record label contract is now over; B) in the age of YouTube, he'd prefer to just release songs online rather than take months to produce an album that risks feeling dated and late since there are so many parodies on the web everywhere.

This song speaks to my soul. The could care less portion alone makes him my hero.