Buckle up kid, it’s gonna get wild.
Buckle up kid, it’s gonna get wild.
Pharah’s rigid forward leaning pose didn’t bother me much. It’s a must have skin. That said, it DID seem to highlight just how freakishly long her arms are.
That’s my defense. Everyone goes to “That’s how the root word is said” so I ask if they say “jayfeg”.
Toxtricity is my hands down favorite of this gen. Gross strumming organs and all. Low-Key form is best form.
It’d be somewhat difficult for them to make a claim. There are plenty of monster collecting games out there (Digimon, Monster Rancher, Yo-kai Watch, etc) so to make a game of the same genre isn’t really enough. The more nuts and bolts stuff is a bit closer though with the IVs done through breeding, walking through…
I’ve seen bits of this on and off. Mobile gatcha games aping Pokemon have set a nice low bar for this. I’m willing to give it a shot.
Wait, Avery is a boy?
It appears to be a smaller version of the big toggle button on the back of the Steam controller.
This “expert” is obviously a puppet of BigGeese. Everyone knows geese are prank playing agents of chaos and nothing this goosey shill says can sway me otherwise.
The minimum wage and inflation is so bad even my fucking Pokémon need multiple jobs. Fml.
Flying in Anthem is fun and the people are interesting enough. Now if they could just streamline equipment, optimize coding a bit (gets choppy when similar games don’t) and get PLEASE get rid of the premium currency bs it’d be great. Seriously, I was jazzed to see the release of Mass Effect armor skins on N7 day. I…
“Dexit” is the uproar that came about from GameFreak announcing that you won’t be able to “catch ‘em all” in Sword and Shield. Roughly half made the cut and the rest won’t be able to be traded in. So if your favorite pokemon isn’t in the game, tough luck. If I recall correctly, the reasoning for this was to allow for…
Of course this isn’t out in the US. Americans can’t afford ambulances.
Got the game. Figured “I’m a pretty good video game boy and not TOTALLY out of shape, let’s start off on intense”. I’m glad I didn’t choose extreme cause I died once. Not in game. I found myself jumping at the chance to do an attack where I could sit on the floor because I couldn’t stand much longer. Almost turned it…
You say it’s no gym replacement, but it should be a nice supplemental on your off days from the gym. I’m wondering if the game, when played properly and with earnest, would get your heart rate to somewhere around peak. With all the squats and running in place and ring squeezing it looks like it could be some decent car…
It looks a bit more like Thing from the Addams family learned the way of the sword, grew to the elbow, and went on a murder spree.
When Nintendo first entered the mobile market they had a respectable pricing scheme. Pay for microtransactions like boosts and stamina and when you reached $30, it would just unlock the game as if it never had them. No stamina and daily influx of currency. Done. It wouldn’t even let you buy more if you wanted. This…
Engineers have had to put up with crap like this since Vanilla with TCG loot cards. Robot homing chicken, x-51 Nether Rocket, Landro’s Lil’ XT, Personal Weather Maker. Things that felt like they should have been profession based that were used elsewhere.
My heart ached seeing Iori not get the invitation.