
This is all I see. Several rows of teeth... and a fan blade I guess.

Can I still edit to baby ape, then? Still, he’s no Torbjorn, who is a literal dwarf.

I wouldn’t say he’s human sized. Granted, he’s definitely not hamster size. He seems to be about the size of a baby. A fat baby.

Holy crap he looks fun to play. I can see some pretty creative players doing crazy stuff with him considering the ball swing is physics based. I fully expect to see Hams flying across the map and beating folks to the control point.

Ah the double edged sword that was the Game Genie. All the power cheat codes can supply counter by the alarming rate at which it seems to wear down the contacts of the cartridge to the point where they hardly work WITHOUT using the Game Genie.

Inklings eating squid is probably as much cannibalism as humans eating primate meat.

My brother and a few of our friends run a Let’s Play channel on Twitch (I do art assets for them) and a lot of times they are really just broadcasting to themselves. I admire their persistence and they appreciate the few folks they get as repeat viewers/people who join in. It’s some real dedication.

It feels a lot the rumblings around rare mounts and achievement drops and such in WoW that are gotten much easier in later patches/expansions.

It looks like Fallout 4 and Monster Hunter had a baby. And that baby had screaming bat dragons.

Just so long as we can see a return of that sweet sweet pause screen music.

I can just see sweet rolls flying quickly across a bright snowy backdrop ready to be sliced in half.

I’m excited because I see this essentially as Pokemon Ranch 2 for Pokemon GO with the added bonus of a story mode.

Yeah, I don’t remember anyone who got incredibly outraged over the GameGenie.

You mean the guy who is oddly over-designed compared to all the other “unimportant” people in the short? Yeah, he kinda sticks out as someone who would be reused in some fashion. Either lore comics or a new character.

I am absolutely tickled by Mei Betty White. Also, they didn’t use creepy old lady Anna mask for Sophia? Really?

I wonder how long before we start seeing these with pretty pink paint jobs on them.

The scalpers are sharpening their F5 skills.

Ol’ BubbleWrap Spidey

I can see where it could be considered modeling. There are different levels of involvement when it comes to cosplay. Some people can sew and form props and whatnot. Some people can sew their costumes but buy their props. Some people can build their props and either commission the costume or go Goodwill diving/Amazon

“It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. We call it ‘Zealot Mode’”.