Come on Nintendo, not even a tiny tuft of chest hair?
Come on Nintendo, not even a tiny tuft of chest hair?
The HD2D kinda looks like excellent paper craft and a really expensive camera.
I didn’t really dig the last HD version since part of that was to take away the paper texture that overlayed everything. Sure it cleared up the lines, but it also took away from the charm.
Thank you Ffqwhgads (Yay Strongbad reference!). I had thought it looked weird but couldn’t quite put my finger on it aside for the shorter face and the oddly wide hair.
Well, if they’re wanting opinions, I know that I’m wanting a Final Fantasy that’s more fantasy with some technological aspects rather than technological with some fantasy aspects.
The Peach in the cover image has an oddly short face. Was melee Peach always like that?
My only nitpick is the rock-paper-scissors mechanic when it comes to reading monsters. Velociprey will almost always use Speed, sure, but the more complex creatures mix it up which makes most of it a guessing game. It says the creatures will give off tells but I didn’t see any difference in animation when they…
Morgana: “You’re useless, Ryuji.” “At least you’re not as useless as Ryuji”
That’s what I had assumed it was. He’s a lifeguard!
I could never understand why SEGA never put out a straight up Chao raising game. It was easily the part of the game I sunk the most hours into and enjoyed. The only reason to put up with the Tails/Robotnik stages was to get rods and raccoons.
Seriously. A good 3D brawler and keep the goofy transformations in. Sold.
“We need to get a good gauge on how much people like Roadhog as a character. What can we do to test peoples love for him?”
“Hold my beer.”
Crap, you’re right. Lemme fix it. “Don’t you mix your humanized anthropomorphic with my animal squids!”
Don’t you mix your humanized animals with my anthropomorphic squids!
Sooo.. is his canon name “Hero” now or are they just going to say “This guy” through the whole anime like they do the game?
I’d probably even be able to forgive the essentially reskinned characters if it had a good feel to it. While the movements look like they feel snappy, they down’t flow together well. The contact sounds between characters also seem to have the impact feel of angrily smacking a blanket.
This Toy Story world, rendered in real time, looks just as impressive as the first Toy Story movie (with maybe the exception of the toy soldiers).
Soooo, it’s Catherine?
Doomfist for ARMS. I’ll sign that petition.
This is literally how I would do voice chat with my brother when we would play Splatoon together. We would both be on Discord on our phones and yelling obscenities at each other because we were inevitably on opposite teams.