
I can't recall how many times I've been torn between wanting to watch something on TV/Netflix or playing a console game. A sufficient descriptor would be: a buncha times.

Some people are going to say that it's not very fast. I respect that and see where they are coming from. In a non scrolling level, running at top speed, you could probably move at least that fast.

For the same reason the Wicked Witch of the West should probably have worn a splash shield.

So it looks like they took Master Chief's helmet, stretched it out, put some wheels on it, and said, "BLAM! Tank."

-Hit Play-

Looks beautiful and all but without diverse input games like these get tedious quickly and generally don't play well. Plus my fat thumbs cover half the screen.

Technically the rules are that you can't buy it on the clock and if it's a new item (especially hot ones) you have to wait a day to let customers at it first.

I believe that mobile phones are the "Wario Micro Games" of the industry. By themselves they are gaming tictacs. It's fun to open your DS/iPhone and play your MicroGame/Angry Animal while waiting in line but it's not something you play for hours.

At the low low price of only $250! $500 if you want a decent display and $600 if you want the motion tracking.

I believe my first time noticing a disappointment in World Maps was FFX. You could pinpoint areas to land in on the map and then wander around those areas, but transition from the 3 3D games before it where you could wander around physically it felt very restrictive. It went downhill World Map-wise from there.

Assuming we take care of the disappearing bandwidth issue. Cloud is nice but it's got its flaws. Security being a pretty high one.

I like the idea that they may add a new character to play in NSMB2.

Chen looks pretty true to his concept art. Can't remember if he had all the bottles strung around his waist in the opening cinematic. And these armor sets, how you'll be seeing most of your pandas in city, make them look pretty badass.

I think they all look the same to you because their Asian. The only real similarity is that.. they are pandas.

I have honestly NEVER seen anyone waste their last life in Smash by intentionally suiciding.

Animal Crossing: Facebook Style Edition

Yeah, watching it on Netflix I pretty much got it down to an art clicking the progress line to just after the opening.

It's like Poke'rus.

The truth is, I haven't. I got a PS1 before I got an N64. Got a PS2 before a Gamecube. But the PS3 era.. it's just not the same. I know there ARE some games coming out for the PS3 I'd like but they are so muddled down with titles about guns, government conspiracies, grey moral supermen, and the need for hyper detail

Yeah, I don't know who half the more recent characters on the roster are. Look at the older Playstation stars and then look at the newer Playstation stars. It went from a lot of whimsy to "short haired angry looking men with a penchant for destruction".