Are you enjoying Resident Evil 7? Are you thrilling at the scares, reveling in the fear, shivering at the spooks? If…
Are you enjoying Resident Evil 7? Are you thrilling at the scares, reveling in the fear, shivering at the spooks? If…
This review should have been in chapters...
Concern trolls. A new breed of jerks that just want to rile people up. War profiteers in a now more sensitive yet explosive internet.
the more you know the more nightmarish it is
There is only one way to describe Golden Arena Mode: Fucking Bullshit.
Everyone: "The Last Guardian"
Practically everyone has played the original RE, so no matter how many little secrets you put in the game, at the core its still the exact same game people have played for the last 15 years.
Since I never owned a PS3, I had to borrow a friend's for a few weeks to play MGS4, so I didn't get to spend much time with MGO. I wish I never dipped my toes in it, because I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to play it all the time. Hated giving that PS3 back :(
I'm hoping that the game also has traditional competitive multiplayer with customizable characters like the previous games, though I could always be wrong and what's shown in this trailer is the full extent of the multiplayer in the game.
You're not the only one who's crazy about MGO. Believe.
The next Metal Gear Online is the multiplayer component everyone was expecting to be announced, this base building stuff was a surprise to most, so that headline hurts about as much as the IGN announcement when it was confirmed to not be the next MGO. Last we heard of MGO was the LA studio supposedly making it was…
this is gonna be a hilarious back and forth game between me and my buddy.
Very true. I would also highly recommend not having many friends. For me, this is not a choice since I'm not a likable person but it definitely helps keep my budget ideal.
My roommate did this to an idler he found, and generally had a pretty fun time with it. He was doing it in Old Russia though, so it was particularly dick-ish.
For Ryu, 7-21-1964 was also a Tuesday.
As we speak, I'm in the middle of reporting and writing a lengthy story for this afternoon, which you'll see shortly, for free. Yesterday, I spent several hours of my weekend transcribing interviews for more stories which you'll see this week, for free. Last week, while I was on vacation, I spent about 80% of my time…
it's interesting when a conversations just starts and ends without any fanfare beyond the fact that it happened. Like, this could have easily been a twitter campaign to send this guy thousands of tweets about how much of a scumbag he is, bereft of facts context or whatever. Small thing, interesting story, we all move…