Yeah. That was his point. Stop making the sub text into text. Your supposed to suss out this stuff with your brain.
Yeah. That was his point. Stop making the sub text into text. Your supposed to suss out this stuff with your brain.
Good thanks for posting the accrual news story. This article is surprisingly inane.
yeah thankfully we're right back where we started.
Drink more Ovaltine
Okay so the last paragraph is the first only in a not stupid order? Why is so much information repeated
I have no clue what's going on. This is written like time travel science fiction. He was working there then he left a whole year ago but talked about working there last week but he left this week? He talked to a guy about something he made and he wanted to make stuff again but at Ghibli? I thought he left, oh we are…
It's this kind of thinking that killed premium apps on the app store. It's not your fault you were conditioned by free but games cost money it's not crazy that The World Ends With You cost $20 it's cheap and relative to everywhere it was released and it's a better version on newer hardware. It's like this for a ton of…
That was all at the tail end. Exclusives were plentiful and early in the gen and even until now 360 version were still technically superior. Thankfully the PS3 really did become something beautiful near the end. Tons of indie exclusives and first party games, all ending with The Last of Us possibly the best game of…
I never even owned an Xbox console until Fez came out. I had played Halo and a bunch of other games at friends houses. I bought Fez, Dust, Spelunky and other Indies. As a happy PS3 owner I was bummed at the indie offerings compared to the 360. Can't deny its importance.
The fanboyism was legitimized when Microsoft introduced the modern online console with the best library of games since the SNES reigning over the longest generation of gaming and contributing to the largest audience growth among children and adults in the history of video games.
You can get it working in just a few minutes. Maybe about an hour (or however long a backup takes) for a non jailbbroken device. Easy to restore and such.
I'm sure it's not as easy as flipping a switch, but maybe a few key strokes at least that's all it took to get it to work on my jailbroken ipad mini. (actually less with a tweak that I installed)
You forgot to link to Fahey's article. I was honestly hoping to see it, ribbing Fahey is hilarious.
Try a loop!
Yeah it was $30 on PS4/xbone. Unfortunately as a huge fan I payed the premium. But fortunately as a huge fan, I got a ton out of it. I'd take as a case by case, the few times I've seen it done it's had been a great experience. That Case Zero $5 demo for Dead Rising 2 was awesome.
Are you against the idea of paying for demos our do you just want to complain? You can make the same argument without lying about the price of metal gear ground zeroes.
The hint we got is when they showed a screen shot of REmake on the PS4 home screen we also saw a tile for Resident evil Zero. Who knows if that matters but that seems like the only way to hype a game most aren't interested in.
This shit right here. Pure American arrogance. It should be one way because AMERICA waaaah! Well they're are various elements of our culture to take advantage of to help alleviate the situation like the choice to pay for what you need. At this point of Nintendo's market saturation three 3DS had Peru much sold tip most…
I just can't care. Japan has had enough people own the DSi and above that I figure every one has 2-4 chargers lying around and I guess America had finally gotten to that point.
Nice input Patrick.