
I really like a lot of what you write Patricia. Pokemon stuff has just felt so sammey and it not just the games anymore. The culture the shows the people and the new games haven't done much to change it.

Man I just want to read a review about Pokemon without the bit about tender memories peppering every paragraph. It's Pokemon! the people playing it are robot people who only see numbers and the people who need to be roped in every year are looking for reasons to stay. Tender memory stuff just feels manipulative, I

Did they update the xbox app!?

Glasses don't work on my eyes. Glasses don't work for everybody, why are we still talking about my eyes? I already gave you the circumstance.

Huh, I get that. I never heard of that as a problem, and I guess, on the spot, I don't think it's a big deal. But I must have missed your point.

Shit you're right. I'm going to buy my blind friend a pair of glasses that oughta fix him. Eat shit Glaucoma!

Yup that's totally what I said to some other guy. I'm addressing the outrage. Some people want it gone completely, so ehow forgettingt that it's existed since CE, but finally it's a universal feature. I swear, I don't know where these questions are coming from. I'd address them without snark if only people weren't

If the lack of ADS makes Halo a unique shooter, than it's got a lot more problems going on. I don't believe that's the case.

Oh god, I gotta spell it out. IM BLIND, IT ZOOMS IN I CAN SEE THEM. This is the on,y way I get what I want without people bitching about ADS.

Sure people will like what they like. No I'm not convinced Sonic games need to play a certain way. I say Sonic Rush is a great game not solely because it's a traditional Sonic game, because it's not really, it's just a good game. Regardless, whatever with Sonic games, if people keep polishing the turds that are the

You get invested pretty hard. Glad you can find an in-universe explanation for fun.

Can you Aim Down Sights? How is this not traditional? Sorry that's just me being overly pedantic.

I'm gonna let you worm your way out of this one. I don't need to out information to an asshole just to be right.

Look I know ADS frustrates people who like accurate hip fire but I fucking need it. I'm almost blind and I can't see when I'm hip firing much less hit anything, ADS helps me actually look at guys and train my sights on moving targets.

Sonic Rush was the last AMAZING traditional styled Sonic game and it will never be bested.

I don't want hits. I could care less about the popularity contest some Sonic fans seem to get involved in everytime someone decries the virtues if the blue blur, I need a GOOD Sonic game.

The Sonic Cycle is finally broken. All you had to do was strip out the gameplay entirely.

Also I'm just reacting to the Hinata thing like a jerk. This was hilarious when I first read it. Suck juxtapose.

How did you get that from that.

Yeah Hinata! Such a unique character!