
That's not what happened. Saints Row IV was always in development. If Enter the Dominatrix came out Saints Row IV would still exist. Instead ETD was pulled into the already active development of SRIV and it's assets and mechanics were fit into the new game. One didn't magically turn into the other.

I didn't posit any of what your reacting too beside my opinion on Persona 4. I don't think I was being hyperbolic on my ascertain on Persona 4 it's easy for me to be honest about P4G. The Vita version is way better, the changes are so convenient overall. Admittedly there is nothing wrong with the PS2 version, but

I bought it for unique games that only work on the Vita. Gravity Rush and TearAway were great but the others felt like inferior console ports for a small screen. The AAA titles are only using that budget to make the same stuff they always do, it feels like a waste. I don't care what the budget is; I want new and

What does a Triple A game mean to you?

what else is a fair equalizer to stopping someone in first place, in your opinion? You seem to be completely ignoring the fact that you never brought up any.

Reading a bit of what you posted. It's kind of baffling. You want graphically impressive games and at the same time champion simple games. There is already plenty of what you want on the Vita but you seem to be arbitrarily gatting yourself from enjoyment. Your needs are too complex to be interesting, you know so

So is it port-begging then? Do you WANT them on your iPhone?

I knew they'd do this. I knew they mark up the price on the standalone, although I guessed around $200, which is a bit too high of a guess. The price drop was an insanely smart move. $400 for the xbone is a good deal but it's sort of lacking without the Kinect. It's unique enough that it's worth owning. The UI is a

I agree, I still think it's happening but the lack of information is sobering. Also I dont think "if they confirm it it will happen" is a mantra worth adhearing to. Things get confirmed and canceled/dropped/killed/sold/bought all the time in this industry, games can be fickle. What if MGO was rolled into the base

there are probably going to be limited like Peace Walker, also it has a percent chance of success. You can't Fulton indoors (you could in PW) and weather affects the probability of success. Seems like the average is 80% success rate that your Fulton subject will arrive safely.

Shotgun Bros yo! I use a Saiga sometimes just for the timing challenge. Shoot, duck, shoot!

Shit I forgot to add that the base building multiplayer stuff is also awesome. I am definitely excited for this as well!

The next Metal Gear Online is the multiplayer component everyone was expecting to be announced, this base building stuff was a surprise to most, so that headline hurts about as much as the IGN announcement when it was confirmed to not be the next MGO. Last we heard of MGO was the LA studio supposedly making it was

Fuck you and your rational. No sense out of me, you're just getting the vitriol. Learn your own lessons.

I hope that isn't all the news from today's live stream. I still want to know if they'll let me ride a horse while in a box, eat dinner while in a box, build a raft...

Did you watch the video?

I am so sick of hearing about the Nvidia Shield tabblah blah whatever. Yeah I dind't need to come here and post this. I have been succesfully ignoring the shield after it's initial disapointments. So work a bit for me here, do your due diligence to someone who doesn't deserve it.

Is this a cool thing I should read

I don't play The Sims. That looked like normal video game crazy to me, not weird at all. Are we arguing that the toddler stage was important for any reason beyond looks or was it crucial in other ways? I mean having a toddler stage is a better representation of the stages we go brought life, but is that it? Not

As I clicked away from the article I stabbed myself with a sewing needle that was in my pants. I don't sew.

I still hear menu sound effects from Pokemon Blue. I haven't seriously play a pokemon game since Crystal.