
It's so sad to think that this is Suda's legacy now. Panty shots and clevage somehow won out over subversive comedy and extreme earriness, suspense, and punk as fuck, like in The Silver Case, Flower, Sun, and Rain and Killer 7. RIP Suda 51, you were cool once.

I never understood why everyone called this emo spiderman. He's just a douchebag he's not emo just because he wears black. The moron is dancing around town and being a womanizing crap. Yup a douchebag, not emo.

Sorry I just got the anger in my bones. I played in a couple of tournaments (and even won one!) and every year the crowds get smaller and smaller. It really is the games own fault no one else's but I can't help but feel that people moved away from it for reasons more base than it not being entirely competitive. Even a

No one gave Brawl a chance, just because it wasn't melee. Watching Brawl die a slow death hurts me, more than I can explain here. I played Smash 64 and I smashed the hell out of Melee, Washdashing L-canceling fucking everything I loved melee, but that game was over and I moved on to something new, it was time. Since

Like a guy who hates MadMen because the characters aren't "relatable" Sorry that all video games aren't sunshine and roses. Not all video games have to conform to your narrow view on the medium, not all games have to be fun and full of heroes and if that's what your looking for don't buy a game called Grand Theft

Not sure why a lot of this is still a conversation. Games are on iOS. That's it there is no way to argue out of this. Yeah it might be a hassle but I play games, so ibut the product that has all the games. I use an android phone but I have an iPod touch for my games and podcasts.

It's why it kills me that Nintendo hasn't implemented any sort of acheivments system. Imagine all the clever fun ways they could extend a Mario game. Don't get hurt on 1-1! Land on 3 Koppa shells in a row! Find all the hidden ghost levels! So many cool stuff! Remember how Smash Bros Brawl had their reward

Acheivment and trophies can be a tool to spur the player to try something new or play in an unorthodox fashion. When Geometry Wars came out it had that acheivment that asked you to play for a minute without getting shot. Everything blew up from there, a game could entice you to try a cool thing or interesting play

Whoa! Spoilers!

You didn't even address my anger! Now I'm just boiling inside! How'd you'd do that!?

I didn't read your entire post. I knew the moment you started prattling off about DOTA that you are a fanboy that doesn't understand shit about video games. Go eat a bag of dicks and go back to steom DRMlolollame.

Fuck you Elon Musk.

I don't see any Assasins Creed. This looks like Demons Soul's 2 to me. Sony said they regretted not making Demon Souls's an exclusive and they still own the rights. I heard that Sony helped with making this game, I don't know at what capacity, but the Demon Souls's influence is clear. The enemy health the item UI and,

There are very few media streaming boxes with a gaming library to support it and the ones that do, suck. This will be at the same price point as most other competent mediaboxcrap with a potential library of the past 20 years of playstation (PS2 classics may stream from PS4(?)/PS3)and the future vita library of games.

It's a Vita with no screen. It has better ports its cheap and you can take it to a friends house and play your PS1/PSP/PSVita games and stream PS4 games via remote play all for about $100. Portability? I don't play handhelds on busses or cars, no one does and I live in California and have no car public transpo is my

I am double IN! on everything. Wow impressive Sony!

There is a lot of missing context here. I recommend reading the actually text. Just more sensationalist Kotaku.

Typing on a phone sucks. I give up.

I read this in a vacuum and I learned a little. This perspective is rare, how do I find an answer without a question?

Thanks. I had no idea what to do when I read that. I was so lost!