
That guy is resting his arm on his enormous boner.

Oh I didn't think you were trying to piss me off. I was agreeing with you.

The glass is full of shit.

Give it a year, don't even think about it, buy a PSP or a few console games and just wait. One year and the 3DS will have already gone through some amazing titles, new apps, downloadable games and, most likely, a hardware redesign. Then buy it "almost new" from craigslist.

It's mean really, everyone so excited about the free games. They won't come all at once, they're going to slowly trickle out in the coming months it will feel terrible and you won't even care. So excited only to be constantly staring at release dates. It will make you hate Nintendo in so many new ways. I thought I was

These guest editorials have been of very low substance as of late. All they manage to do is complain about a thing and continue to complain without naming the problem, providing examples, or any real substantial argument. I'm not a writer, so I guess I should shut the fuck up, but if this kind of stuff is what it

I love these kinds of programs. Child's Play, Games for Change or just about anything the use just about the only skill I have that can help make things better for someone. What bothers me, and I am not saying this article is an example, is when people make me feel bad hen I don't pay attention, participate, or donate

I like to be involved with the active discussion of just released games. I want to discover and enjoy games at the same time with everyone. On the other hand, I don't have any money. I wait for the Goty edition, chances are enough people did it that I still have someone to talk to after all the other wealthy,

That is exactly my point, at least in the last paragraph. The far more interesting topic of discussion ,that is not at all stated in the article above, you have addressed perfectly. "...but there is no way that the current "FPS with multi-player" slanted market hasn't caused some single-player games' original vision

I did not catch it at all. Evidently so. It was too ridiculous a claim be true.

Wasn't DLC planned for Portal 2? Where the hell?

I don't know who this article is written for or what it is addressing. I would like some examples of video games moving from single-player to multiplayer games because this article is literally arguing or saying nothing. There has been no other time in gaming that the single-player experience has had more focus than

I think I'm going to sell this thing now. This is getting ridiculous. Call me when the make a Lite model better yet an XL.

Urg excited to try this. Invite please?

Science-FICTION. Shut up.

Amazon is exactly the same as Gamestop, except that they are online. I clearly stated all incarnations of the Gamestop business model. Did anyone read my entire post?

Aw aren't we cute.

The trade in thing isn't much of a complaint. You know what you could get for those games you have? $0 they at least offer you a guarantee of some degree of cash, and as you said you have a myriad of ways of getting more for your money, Gamestop is a great example of capitalism at work.

I don't quite grasp your point. I agree that resale opens up the audience, maybe my examples weren't so great because I completely agree with you.

Okay who is the bad guy here? The company that issues a fee to encourage new game sales and screw over used game consumers or the consumer that cannot afford a new game and buys used games?