
And getting to actually enjoy traveling instead of having a minivan full of kids and the inability to stop for 6 hours.

Fine, but you’re going to get pushback from people with kids.

But imagine if there weren’t gun stores on every corner? If you couldn’t buy ammo at Wal Mart?

Yes, there are already a ton of guns out there, but it would be HARDER for this sort of thing to happen if we made it harder to get more. In general, people who do things like mass shootings aren’t going to go to tremendous

I like to mix it up and have options, so I’ll usually get a couple of different things.

Yeah they are quite big.  Kind of a pain to eat but it makes things a bit quicker for prep and keeps the protein to carb ratio high.  

So.... lie to kids then...? That doesn’t seem like a worthwhile plan.

Why are Gen Xers and Boomers blaming Millennials for things that are actually being done by Gen Z?

Why is blaming everything on Millenials still a thing?

It sounds tiring to have to continually look for something to get angry about in an attempt to make yourself relevant and feed your desired image on social media.

Title seems a little disingenuous. Implies it’s limited to plus size orders, but provided no evidence that such is the case. Kind of a major distinction if only plus size orders are receiving diet bar as opposed to every order.

He just taught me that water crystals have six-fold symmetry. That probably wouldn’t have happened without his input. I don’t know. Learning stuff can be kind of good.

Somebody will have to explain to me how a pile of grade Z “food” is a reward for anything. My lord, eat some real chocolate! Go grab a filet at a good steak place! Down a bottle of good wine! If I ran a half marathon I sure as hell wouldn’t say “Yay! lowest common denominator garbage!”. 

“They should just work harder and stop complaining.”

clearly I must be lazy and unemployed if I complain about the cost of just existing.

As an early Millenial, I find it fucking hilarious that you think I can afford a home, children, their college, or the numerous prescription drugs I’ll need to stay alive to be upset about such a non-issue in 40 years.

You are such a fucking piece of garbage.

The fact that he gets over 40% is so fucked up.

There was more to the movie than just watching him eat and tell you fast food is bad. He talked to doctors, nutritionists, kids, McDonald’s super customers, and several other people to show, not just what the food does, but what the company (and, by extension, other companies) do to make their food so popular that

Have you read the bat shit stuff they say in the bible?

1. That’s a trash take. Leaving your car running (or unlocked) is not a free pass for someone to take your car. Don’t fuck with other people’s property, period. It’s against the law to leave your car running because of the threat of it moving or some kid fucking around with it or the potential for emissions poisoning