
Yeah if that Joey guy wasn’t competitive eating all the food we could feed 74 starving people for a single disappointing meal!

Just would not having this event (and others like it) help people that are starving?

“In one way, Donald Trump’s attack on our foreign trade partners resembles his attack on immigrants: in each case, the attack is framed as a response to evildoing that exists only in his imagination. No, there isn’t a wave of violent crime by immigrants, and MS-13 isn’t taking over American towns; no, the European

If it bothers you then just don’t go to the comments


I don’t think Trump can file for bankruptcy protection for the country.

There’s no such thing as too much of an opportunity to point out how terrible he is.

English much? I hope you are being sarcastic. 

How about we just have people drink from the lip of a cup, like our ancestors did since time immemorial, stretching back into the dawn of time, when early humans made the first crude tools and bowls?

Anyone stupid enough to think that “gun control” means “no more guns” shouldn’t have one.

I guess we just disagree here. I see civil disobedience as a proud American tradition. 

Most cars have air conditioning, and even if they didn’t, I don’t see the humor in joking about killing someone for participating in a peaceful, albeit inconvenient protest. 

Except the data shows that raising the minimum wage actually tends to increase employment.

Wait, you’re saying that, in America, you can get arrested for having a large amount of cash on you, and even if you don’t, the government can still take all that money? That sounds like an actual joke.

Your doctor sounds like a maniac

I knew Missouri would be in the top ten! We have an embarrassing amount of fast food places. 

Now you’re just being obtuse. No one said that. But you could be a good person and donate some of your extra time to helping out at a shelter or delivering food to a soup kitchen.

If you need the history and reasons of why people can end up homeless explained to you then maybe you should take your own advice and do the research yourself.

This guy doesn’t give a rats ass about the homeless situation in his own home city, what makes you think he wants to pay more to the people who work for him already?

Jeff Sessions, ICE and Donald Trump murdered this boy.