
Gotcha :) Sorry for the misunderstanding

Rally driving in snow and driving on real roads in the snow are two very different things. Sliding around and counter steering loses a lot of the appeal when you have cars coming the opposite direction or you’re trying to make it up a hill.

It would, but the president doesn’t have line item veto powers.

I don’t like him, he’s a moron and he’s blaming the wrong side on the DACA thing (As if the Democrats have any power to put it in at this point).

So are we going with “Basic Science” to describe the erroneous data that seems to be constantly popping up...

So which part don’t you believe?

How so? If he won the GOP primary, that’s an official nominee for the Republican party, whether they like it or not, no?

I hope I never fly on one of your airplanes.

Legally intoxicated? Two doubles puts a 180 pound man close to a BAC that would make them unable to drive legally... is that what you mean?

I make sure I always fly drunk and stoned. Thanks for boarding me every time!

Did the WRX get replaced or something?

“Innocent’ life. HAHAHAHA. Let me see if I can guess who gets to judge what life is ‘innocent’ and what isn’t. People like you are why people like me despise religion and the lunatics it inevitably detracts. PS They’re not ‘babies’ until they’re born, you language-manipulating fanatic.

I took this out of the grays because this is hilarious. Nothing says compassion for innocent lives like forcing a mother to give birth then murdering the mother so the child can grow up an orphan. I assume all of the unaborted orphan babies will be taken care of by the same caring republicans who terminated health

Pretty white lady is pretty! Pretty people can’t commit crimes! They can only be victims of crime or compelled into crime by bad men. Pretty women have good, pure souls, that lead them astray until they can cry a little and rise above times of turmoil. Women, wow, so inspirational, glass ceiling.

It should be strange. People shouldn’t be pulled over because they’re not the “right ethnicity” for the neighborhood.

Pretty straightforward... hundreds of thousands (likely millions) of teenagers are speaking... and they are telling legislators to stop caving to the gun lobby, protect kids by passing stronger gun control laws. How are you missing this, do you not have eyes? Or are you just being willfully ignorant(trolling)?

Or, you could be wrong.

I sure hope so.

All those future voters who will remember how the Republicans treated them.

This makes me proud. This way of going about change, led by our educated young people is a breath of fresh air in a stale political climate.