
SHHHH! They'll hear you!

See, the Red Cross is doing it all wrong. Instead of giving away free flash drives with some video on it they're never going to watch, they should put on a free copy of any 1 of the Twilight movies. Guaranteed, with how much hype those stupid movies have gotten, you'd get upwards of 40-50% of the student population

I have too... I don't know whats so new about this.

Everything's fine and dandy until our robot overlords begin assembling themselves through 3D printers. We've doomed ourselves.

Does she also call to make sure that you picked up condoms? ;-)

Whoa! Steve Jobs resigned? ;P

I love how "Animal-Friendly PETA Porn Coming Soon" is the top related story.

They should move to California. If the ground shaking is a signal for true love, then shere's tons of love to be found here! (or hookers, your choice.)

I wonder how many viruses lie in that 1TB hard drive, waiting to be run and exposed. I bet an A/V scanner would have a field day scanning all those cracks.

"Forty tons of debris would cascade the streets, 25x the amount caused by 9/11"

+1 to you good sir.

Sounds like it was a rolling earthquake then. Its good that it wasn't the other kind. The ones that jolt around are the real earthquakes to watch out for.

Come on Giz... Just because one just hit on the East coast doesn't mean that the entire US was hit with a number of unexpected quakes. The quakes listed on the USGS website have been tiny and have hit sometime as long ago as last week... [] shows all of the earthquakes that have occurred over the

I whip my plane back and forth, I whip my...

"Developed as a test platform for advanced and future unmanned aerial tech, the Phantom Ray is a stealth drone that'll be able to fly and perform missions basically autonomously—no one has to sit at the controls while it's up there, doing its deadly thing."

"Welp, I'm glad I'm not planning any trips to Texas anytime soon."

Is it bad that the first idea I had when I saw the picture for this article on the front page was to whip out my phone and scan the barcode?

When did Jazz get a new body for himself?