Many of them believe that God put animals on the earth for humans to use.
Many of them believe that God put animals on the earth for humans to use.
I think the greater tragedy could easily be a baby born unwanted. The world isn't exactly perfect and being potentially unplanned and undesired doesn't help.
After the baby is born though? Conservatives seem to think the baby is on their own. Cut welfare and restrict gay adoption, and if they're a girl, limit their sexual and reproductive options later in life. Oh, and give the babies guns too after a couple of years so they can accidentally shoot people.
Publicly stating that gay relations are wrong still hurts people. It may not hurt YOU, but it's clear that it can and does hurt others when they told their attractions and actions are wrong.
It's not good enough if he still says gay marriage is wrong and he's not sorry.
If he has to believe that gay marriage/sex is wrong, that doesn't mean he says to publicly say so and even say that he won't apologize for it. People can keep their hurtful religious beliefs to themselves.
On his website now he says that won't apologize for his beliefs on gay marriage. So yes, still a bigot and at least a bit of an asshole.
Yup. Let's not try to make excuses by labeling the bigots as not being "real" Christians...especially given the content of many versions of the scripture.
I'm trying to have low expectations so I won't get too disappointed.
Sure...but it was criticism that got him here in the first place. He still needs to be criticized if he's saying gay relations are wrong and that he's not going to apologize for saying so. That's still bigoted and still hurts people.
Meh. He's still an ass if he has "deeply held beliefs" that gay marriage and sex is wrong, and that he won't even apologize.
It's still bigoted to believe that gay marriage is wrong, even if you don't actively try to prevent it from happening.
Yes, hence the heaps of praise he's getting seems too much to's still bigoted and not "open minded" to be and to say (even to the point of "not going to apologize") that gay marriage is wrong. It's like saying "What you're doing is wrong and I'm not sorry to say so, but I'm not going to do anything about your…
If he still thinks and saying that homosexual sex is wrong, I don't think he should have total forgiveness or to be celebrated in such a way. There should at least be some criticism mixed in with the praise after this.
"The good that we have done at Exodus is overshadowed by all of this..."What good?
Not like those prayers would work, anyway.
But wasn't it all women? Why would it be just about actors in general if it's all women intentionally and specifically?
That's what I thought initially, too, but if it's the most read magazine and they're actually making progressive changes, then it's not necessarily a bad thing. I'm not saying that Cosmo is feminist now, but it could be. Think of what that may mean.
AFAIK, it's not even "you need to be able to make babies." It's you need to marry the opposite sex. Glorifying procreation is used to create more Catholics and to have an excuse to discriminate against homosexual couples.
Or any other couple unable to reproduce, being told that marriage is about procreation.